Do you believe these spoilers ?

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World's Strongest Swordsman
Yeah bro keep pretending it was like this lol
It was exactly like this. Asura used acoc. Before luffy.

These are the same guys who adamantly denied the possibility of Zoro fighting King, now look who were they wanking?
And if you call them out on their own lies they pretend it never happened lmao
What about the guys who said zoro would never see kaido
What lies are this.
Most said zoro would fight King before he went up
You keep deflecting to the same point. Ill entertain you and answer the question. I didnt want him to beat Kaido 1v1 at all would have preferred BM not to come to Wano and have the 3 supernova captains defeat Kaido

What is it with you asking rhetorical questions. Grow some balls and say the insult... It's worstgen that's the purpose of this forum
No it's not the purpose of this forum
The real purpose of this forum is to request hint from lance
so you don't want Luffy to move to the next level and keep staying in the yonko commander range, and when he beat a stronger blackbeard you guys would say it is an asspull or he should have 2v1ed blackbeard with Zoro
Luffy would have been to the next level. Then it would actually be logically reasonable for him to either fight a BB or Shanks 1v1 because he would be that much stronger.

WorstGen defeating Kaido is much better than Luffy defeating Kaido after the 4th try.


Talent is something you make bloom.
people actually mad when the MC is back to the manga. :kaidowhat:
thats why Oda need to say "Set your eye on Luffy as Main Character/Protagonist" :cantseeme::cantseeme:
Despite the "Luffy and Kaido BFF's", I genuinely like the chapter.
Now that Sanji and Zoro fights are over, my expectations have dropped significantly, so I can appreciate everything else now.

I'M FREE!!!!
Luffy's punch name is 怪鳥銃 (A strange bird gun) .
Don't know where your chinese name comes from but if we read the google translation of the korean spoiler it says "rubber rubber musket gun", looks like "gomu gomu no pistol" ? Maybe someone good in korean can translate it better ?
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