Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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Shinigami probably just a hallucination effect of the minks drug. It maybe not coincidence that zunisha was shown last chapter as if it open the plot for minks history

Maybe zoro has some past memories with death. Parallel like the minks has their ancestral memories with the moon. Then they always be reminded whenever the see full moon
Shinigami probably just a hallucination effect of the minks drug. It maybe not coincidence that zunisha was shown last chapter as if it open the plot for minks history

Maybe zoro has some past memories with death. Parallel like the minks has their ancestral memories with the moon. Then they always be reminded whenever the see full moon
I still think it's a legit spirit. Wano is centered around the dead and supernatural occurrences happening, and the Fire Festival. I would not be surprised that he only sees the Shinigami on this night specifically because he's near death

I still think Toki healed the scabbards, irrespective of Komurasaki with Orochi right now. In 1007, Kawamatsu called what he saw impossible before Fake Oden walked in. He wouldn't say this about Hiyori. He would say this about Toki.
Shinigami probably just a hallucination effect of the minks drug. It maybe not coincidence that zunisha was shown last chapter as if it open the plot for minks history

Maybe zoro has some past memories with death. Parallel like the minks has their ancestral memories with the moon. Then they always be reminded whenever the see full moon
Didn't the Big Mom pirates have some big ass dudes with Scythes?


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Linlin > Kaido at this specific moment, yes. Because of her Lifespan-Sacrificing. I expected Kaido=Big Mum before her Power Up and when Kaido uses his awakaning, he will be => Linlin.
Makes sense
Law over Zoro just makes sense to me. He is fighting an Yonko, not an YC1. I know you and the other wank Zoro alot and even claim he is Verse-Strongest already, but honestly, thats just my opinion here. You dont need to like it. But claiming drugabuse, just because you prefer your wank, is kinda weak.
Now I see why Zoro hard core stans get upset. He scarred Kaido, blocked the strongest attack in the verse, defeats King all in one day only for you to think Law is above him cos he is currently fighting a Yonko. Will your opinion change when Zoro kills Kaido and are you gna put him over Kid??

asking what you are smoking is just bants?? Drug abuse loool, you are funny

Killer over Marco and Sanji is simply because i expect him to be a direct rival to Zoro, like he was shown before and explained. He also low diffed Hawkins, he went (with Zoro) against Kaido and has up his head. He is a R5, which puts him clearly above Sanji. About Marco, i explained before, that i expect him to be more of a support/heal unit, not a power/attack one.
Killer and Zoro are rivals, since when????? Didn't Zoro already smack the shit out of Killer in that handicapped match where Zoro got stabbed by that fox? He went down to Zoro's first name attack about rivalry:yasu:

Killer ain't above Sanji either. If Killer was to go against Queen, Heat would become Kid's new partner. You are talking about Zoro wank and yet you have Zoro = Killer > Marco the first division commander of the WB pirates and Sanji who just packed a commander worth a billi in less than 15 mins :yasu:
Offtopic: Imagine an oil oil fruit, you could still swim with this fruit due to the chemical properties of oil, because oil is hydrophobic
This is what the theory is on Luffy's awakening is BTW if you are familiar with the Japanese YouTuber Yuderon and his theories.

Basically Luffy's real fruit name is Nika Nika no Mi and he's actually an oil user, which let's him ignite his limbs and stretch them on a basic level.
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