Who is the skeleton / Whats the purpose?

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Zoro Worshipper
Oda is wrapping up BM fight. Raizo fight might last longer than this fight. :kobeha:

Other than this jokes its nice to see Raizo vs Fuku and Yamato with Kazenbo plotlines are almost over.
After this fight Oda probably is gonna finish those plotlines with Orochi.
Raizo lasting longer than Meme

Why does this sound so funny :myman:
Bigger Mom > Weakener Kaido
That's all you need to know

Luffu isn't fighting fresh kaido
And you'll say " luffy is weakened too" saw are Kidd and law when they started fighting Linlin
Kidd was even more nerfed by Hawkins

You hate this chapter already coz there's no luggy
You're no different from zoro fans who hate chapters when their fans isn't on it
Also you already downplay Kidd or SNs
Kaido probably hasn't even shown his final form. Big Mom has complained here about being tired, Kaido hasn't.
Kidd was never knocked out, adv CoC to the skull from a yonko is worse than pounding your head against a wall.

We can argue about the states of those involved, but the results of the fight are clear, Law/Kidd just now want to stop her from reaching the roof, "even if they have to die", Luffy is still confident he will beat Kaido.

The difference is that Luffy is how the plot progresses. The arc can't end without Luffy beating Kaido 1vs1, anything else is up in the air, being a Luffy fanboy is someone who wants the story to progress, we've been on this arc for many years and Oda is recycling plot points from 3-6 months ago with teaser chapters.
zorotards unhappy with Zoro fainting and the story progressing afterwards are not One Piece fans, Zoro had his moments, Luffy has not had his arc victory yet. Whining about a fodder chapter after Oda dickteases us with the Gorosei hyping some fruit is not unreasonable.
I'd be unreasonable if I complained after Luffy beats Kaido, that he faints and the plot progresses.
Nah...if King turns off his flame like he did with Zoro. Law will beat him.
King didn't turn his flame off, King knew his flame on was useless, he was blocking and scared so he decided ot block and use Magma attack.

The moment King pulls out magma, Law is roasted, he doesn't have CoC to cut through it.
King's Haki is equal to Zoro's CoA Haki which would be too much for Law to use any shambles since Zoro's CoA can scar Kaido.

KIng is too fast in flame off mode for Law to catch, he isn't god of Reflxes and CoA like Zoro.
He turns off his flame, Law still has to get past King's healing factor from Fire, he can heal through CoC Blows that will put Kaido in hospital.

King is too god damn strong, I can't see any non top tier beating King. Flame Off or Flame On.
one get a flashback with Kaido and change his name into king.
He saw also how strong King is during the experiment that the world government did to the only lunarian left.
He is Kaido, right hand man above to the other calamities...
King has > superior defense than kaido.
Sure keep coping clown
Thats why King is stronger than Queen. But the gap is just not as big as Zorostans make it out to be.
King would get ripped apart by Big Mom like a bird
Everyone went above and beyond this arc.

- Zoro fought Enma's nerf and unlocked Adv CoC to conquer it

- Sanji threw away the RS PU, and instead relied on his flames and CoA to win

- Law is constantly using new devastating awakened attacks.

Sure they all got a bit of PIS and PUs, but theyre unleashing new shit and thinking different and what not.

Whilst Kidd is literally struggling to manipulate metal, cant show anything other than metal contructs....or show any versatility at all.
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