Did Kanjuro Kill Big Mom?

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I think Big Mom must be talking about the road poneglyph when she mentions "it".
That's a pretty big plot point that still needs to be resolved, and I think it indicates that the arc will be extended beyond the Onigashima battle.
When Big Mom looks up, a huge explosion takes place inside Wanokuni's hole. Big Mom disappears in the middle of the smoke. The explosion is larger in size than the Flower Capital, but thanks to Law's technique, the sound of the explosion doesn't reach the city.
Wow what a convenient way for the Wano citizens to still not notice what the fuck is going on above their heads :seriously:
Big Mom falls into the hole Law's attack created in Wanokuni along with the bombs. As she falls, Big Mom says a few last words.

Big Mom: "Damn you, Kid... Law... Don't you dare think I'm going to die this easily!!"

When Big Mom looks up, a huge explosion takes place inside Wanokuni's hole. Big Mom disappears in the middle of the smoke. The explosion is larger in size than the Flower Capital, but thanks to Law's technique, the sound of the explosion doesn't reach the city.
So the hole which Law creat last chapter, is bigger then the flower capital?
Since the explosion fit into it.
That is crazy, can´t wait to see the panel, probably the explosion is even bigger.
Don´t need more, clearly Bm survive this and she seems knowing something, seems like the Wano country is really important to find the One Piece?
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