What's the gorosei shitting themselves about?

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Obviously !!! Drake is trash ! He's P1 level
P1>>>L Drake/ CoC was needed to put him down.
L Drake was negged by Queen+random cp9 reject and then by some mid vets...
Not sure why Oda decided to nerf him like that.
I thought his original intentions were to make him the strongest tobbi roppo, only slightly weaker than Jack...
Btw who chose the Fresh Prince of Bel Air name for this thread ?
tac probably:seriously:
There is still hope for Drake
He can push to high vet lvl with awakening:steef:
P1>>>L Drake/ CoC was needed to put him down.
L Drake was negged by Queen+random cp9 reject and then by some mid vets...
Not sure why Oda decided to nerf him like that.
I thought his original intentions were to make him the strongest tobbi roppo, only slightly weaker than Jack...

tac probably:seriously:

And then Oda gave him a bounty of 222 000 000, the lowest Tobi Roppo bounty ever. Maybe he should have fought Ussop.
Drake will take his revenge defeating boss CP0 :goyea:

Meh commander level:suresure:
At this rate the Boss going to defeated too.
But I don´t understand one point, is Maha the Boss or the other guy who also got defeated?
If Maha is the boss, it seems like Izo legit beat one CP0 member and lose to Maha, with means he beat one and lose to the another, meaning he was indeed stronger then them xD.

Maha is fearing Kaido and Luffy, for sure he going get defeated later, Idk who going to beat him.

Raizo prepare for something, sound like a big deal or do he want to kill Orochi?

Gorosei saying to the fight with Luffy vs Kaido, world classs battle, kinda show how hyped the fight is.
Can´t wait when Luffy pull out his new powerup and Kaido his awakening.^^
Meanwhile, as for killing Luffy. That has been a priority for ages.
Heck, we can see it here:

We can also see the set up for this here.

And we can see the Gorosei again reiterating that *before* they talk about the devil fruit:

It's all been set up nicely if you take a step back. Read the text, back away from what the spoilers are saying opinion wise.
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