How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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That's not an answer to my question though. You've been ducking my question without giving me a legitimate answer for the past 20 minutes now

"Kaido needs to die. Zoro will kill him." doesn't make it good writing. Luffy needs to beat Blackbeard by the end of the series, no? Well, the way he goes about defeating Blackbeard is the important part. If Luffy is on his deathbed and manages to beat Blackbeard (while he's fresh) in a 1 on 1 fight that isn't good writing

"But Blackbeard needs to be defeated by Luffy" Sure, but if his defeat is bullshit then it sucks all the joy out of Luffy's victory.

Zoro fighting Kaido alongside Luffy from the beginning and killing Kaido at the end is good writing. Zoro with 1 foot in the grave killing Kaido is not
It is an answer. Whether you choose to accept it is not my problem.

In a world were magical fruits. Sentient swords. Steroid medicine exists. You can not stop to think for 1 second how Oda might I don't know use the guy with healing flames to heal Zoro?

Kaido is not fresh, not a single person on that island whose fought is fresh. Who said anything about a near dead Zoro killing Kaido?

It'll happen and you'll either carry on crying about its not good writing or enjoy it for what it is, a fictional story.

In a world were eating meat gives you your stamina/energy back, healing an injured person is what breaks the camels back :seriously:
Sure luffy parallels oden by being a dumbass and getting slept

Meanwhile zoro parallels oden by being the only one to control enma scar kaido
Has dragon Damnation parallel togen totska

Luffy gonna be dancing naked in the streets next
Zoro = paper cut
Oden = Gaping wound

Luffy = Needed a distraction to be KO
Oden = Needed a distraction to be KO
Wait,since Law can transplant people's personality. Couldn't he in theory removes someone pain in a similar fashion to Kuma?Or Law could put Zoro into a scabbards body maybe.
He would lose his physical strength and natural durability but I guess he would retain his ability to use haki

Sanji could still use observation while in Nami's body I think
People should really wiat for the full spoilers. It didnt say Luffy was unconscious. He was brutally hit. And no one can help him other than himself. Remember it was the same his fight with Katakuri. Thats obviously Cp0's plan to kill Luffy. Distracting him. Zoro wont be able to help. Hes done. He looks dead lol. Law and Kidd cant fight anymore. I hope Kaido goes rampage and one hit Cp0. Then fight continues.
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