Who will defeat Kaido?

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OK, I got spoiled ...
Just one thing

Oda has NO FUCKING RIGHT to claim this was foreshadowed or planned out
Government has to be beyond stupid to let the Joy Boy be free for 2 years and don't do everything in their power to kill Luffy
they NEVER acted as if Luffy was a world class threat cause of his DF
cause Oda is adding this "Nika" horseshit out of nowhere
nope gorosei are fine with it because the df not awakened like ages ago. There should be previous users who weren't able to awaken it. I guess WG can be like it would be rather safe with an unknown using it . WG has resources thta they cna kill luffy ta any time.
From the looks of it, Luffy comes up with new attacks or modes on a whim with learning thru pain or something like that. He learned Gear 2 after a beatdown, he learned Gear 4 after losing Ace and etc. It looks a lot of times like Luffy awakens his fruit more and more based off how much he wants something new.

I'm not sure man. For how long Luffy had his fruit before going onto his journey I would say he was somewhat creative but pretty lame with it because before Gears and attacks like Red Hawk and etc he was just stretching which isn't too impressive.
Before Luffy's new PU's where him learning how to use his average DF with his hak. Breaking the limitations of his DF with his creativity.

Now all Luffy's PU's before Nika awakenign happened because he was too incompetent to fully utilize his DF potential.

Soo bad man...
You say that this contradiction is made on purpose so Luffy finally grows up and gets his reality check correct? What if he doesn't and behaves like he always was without developing further as a character and remain this happy go lucky?
I mean I wouldn't like that either lmfao
Obviously I want Luffy to mature from this experience while still retaining part of his old child like attitude that is so charming
It's a gonna be a tough moment to handle for Luffy, Oda and us readers for sure
The most obvious issue with this chapter by far is the Gorosei saying “we’ve been trying so hard to get the fruit back” when frankly that’s obviously not true, a little insulting that Oda would write it, and arguably a major plot hole.

If Luffy’s awakening is straight up reality warping and not just shaping his body how he wants and turning the environment into rubber than that’s really really bad.
Yeah, just the most magical fruit in existence and busted genetic modifications
These fools will always try to find ways to downplay Zoro, but they cant...

Soo far Zoro is the ONLY character in the monster trio that worked for his strenght, but they cant cope with that soo they come up with some Oden sword haki BS.

I Just hope Oda dosent go out of his way to ruin Zoro like he did with Luffy and Sanji in a short spam of two arcs.
Yeah, just the most magical fruit in existence and busted genetic modifications
I think the thing everyone’s ignoring is:
At least Zoros “magic sword” and Sanjis “bullshit Genetics” were just caveats to their true power ups, Zoro upgrading his 3 Swors Style and Sanji upgrading his Diable Jambe. Both well established abilities of the two.

Luffy just seems to have been given a bonus new power set that doesn’t really fit in anywhere
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