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He said that Kaido needs to receive his epic victory that he’s been craving for, for years and that the Straw Hats need to have their hope completely crushed.

he thinks this shit will work out in his head but right now he can’t suggest any way this makes sense in the story and he still pushing Hawkins saying Wano will last for a month.

He’s actually sick in the head
Is it a raidfail video?
Is it a raidfail video?
Look at some of the shit this cult is pushing

"Some old Reasons I gave for the Raid failing:

1. There are far too many mysteries and unanswered questions. If this is supposed to be a finale then why haven’t these things been resolved? A finale is where story lines get wrapped up and mysteries get solved. Yet none of that has happened. There hasn’t been a single resolved plot line or mystery during the raid. At all. In fact, mysteries and subplots are piling up by the chapter and theres no room for most of them to be explained on Onigaishima. Making it far more likely that Onigaishima is actually just set up for something else.

2. Kaido hasn’t gotten to be a Villain yet. Kaido has not directly preformed any villainous actions that are 1. On Screen. 2. Outside of a Flashback. And 3. NOT something we are told by word of mouth. When you look at past arcs Oda typically builds up the villain by having him do one heinous thing after another ON-SCREEN. Think of the countless times Crocodile tricked and mocked the Strawhats. You didn’t just hear about mean stuff he’d done to other people he actually got to BE evil and wicked directly to our characters. This is to build up our animosity and desire to see them taken down.

Oda has done this with Orochi but hasn’t done that at all with Kaido yet. Yes, Kaido has “on paper” done some mean sounding things to people. But he hasn’t gotten the chance to be mean to US the viewer like other villains have. So while we understand vaguely why other characters may hate Kaido theres still an emotional disconnect because he hasn’t gotten the chance to hurt US the viewer yet. Which is why there will be no emotional payoff from a well earned victory(in an arc that Oda has been building up to for 10 years) if Luffy just comes back and beats him after getting a second wind. On top of all that it feels like we’re only just now getting to know Kaido. Like we’re only starting to learn who he really is. Because the reality is: we have NO IDEA who this guy is or what he’s about. Which is really strange if this supposed to be a finale. That we have no idea who this character is or what his motivations are. Though again, this would only make sense if Onigaishima was actually just set up for Act 4.

3. Oda has directly set up two things to happen that indicate the raid will fail. The first is Gecko Moria directly stating stating that the Strawhats WILL experience a Nightmare in the New World. Moria is specifically talking about experiencing a Nightmare in the New World which is a reference to the Nightmare he experienced against Kaido in an arc directly referencing Wano and now we’re facing that same Kaido. It’s already set up to happen. The second being that Kaido upon his very introduction Kaido outright stated that he wants to and WILL start the greatest War the World has EVER seen and he doesn’t care if the planet is destroyed in the process. That can’t happen unless the Raid fails. It definitely IS going to happen because it’s very blatant set up. This is Oda, the type of writer who makes seemingly irrelevant random statements come back around and have huge impacts on the story. I mean hell, even that random one-off comment Zoro made about the Minks recovering quickly came back around into the plot.

Theres NO WAY he would have characters directly make such Big statements if they were meant to go no where. With Kaido’s plan, theres no way he doesn’t get to start it. Yes I know some of you will argue the villain doesn’t get what they want but his end goal is dying and finding One Piece not the war itself. He will obviously never achieve those things but we never stop the villain BEFORE they start their plan to get those things. We don’t stop Crocodile BEFORE the rebellion starts. We don’t stop Enel BEFORE he uses the Maxim. The villains never get what they want sure, but we ONLY put a stop to them when we are already neck deep in their plan. Because thats Drama. Thats storytelling. We always stop the villains plan at the Last. Possible. Second. Not before it all goes down. So by all means Kaido will get to start his war. But Luffy is going to end it.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Good description.
Well, people gotta understand what kind of story One Piece is.
This is not a military strategy manga a la Kingdom.

I even saw people complain about The Last Airbender for its "unrealistic" depictions of war and the military.

People need to understand what they get from a story and have unrealistic expectations.
Only possible complaint about The Last Airbender is that it only has 3 seasons.
if suffering through a raizo chapter is inevitable I'd rather it'd be now rather than later. Once Kaido falls the arc will enter its conclusory phase. A raizo chapter during the conclusory phase would be more annoying since there are no distractions such as Luffy vs. Kaido to compensate for the atrocious character that is raizo and his inconsequential plotline


Only possible complaint about The Last Airbender is that it only has 3 seasons.
The Last Airbender might be one of the only animated works that I could call perfect, in almost every sense.

Look at some of the shit this cult is pushing

"Some old Reasons I gave for the Raid failing:

1. There are far too many mysteries and unanswered questions. If this is supposed to be a finale then why haven’t these things been resolved? A finale is where story lines get wrapped up and mysteries get solved. Yet none of that has happened. There hasn’t been a single resolved plot line or mystery during the raid. At all. In fact, mysteries and subplots are piling up by the chapter and theres no room for most of them to be explained on Onigaishima. Making it far more likely that Onigaishima is actually just set up for something else.

2. Kaido hasn’t gotten to be a Villain yet. Kaido has not directly preformed any villainous actions that are 1. On Screen. 2. Outside of a Flashback. And 3. NOT something we are told by word of mouth. When you look at past arcs Oda typically builds up the villain by having him do one heinous thing after another ON-SCREEN. Think of the countless times Crocodile tricked and mocked the Strawhats. You didn’t just hear about mean stuff he’d done to other people he actually got to BE evil and wicked directly to our characters. This is to build up our animosity and desire to see them taken down.

Oda has done this with Orochi but hasn’t done that at all with Kaido yet. Yes, Kaido has “on paper” done some mean sounding things to people. But he hasn’t gotten the chance to be mean to US the viewer like other villains have. So while we understand vaguely why other characters may hate Kaido theres still an emotional disconnect because he hasn’t gotten the chance to hurt US the viewer yet. Which is why there will be no emotional payoff from a well earned victory(in an arc that Oda has been building up to for 10 years) if Luffy just comes back and beats him after getting a second wind. On top of all that it feels like we’re only just now getting to know Kaido. Like we’re only starting to learn who he really is. Because the reality is: we have NO IDEA who this guy is or what he’s about. Which is really strange if this supposed to be a finale. That we have no idea who this character is or what his motivations are. Though again, this would only make sense if Onigaishima was actually just set up for Act 4.

3. Oda has directly set up two things to happen that indicate the raid will fail. The first is Gecko Moria directly stating stating that the Strawhats WILL experience a Nightmare in the New World. Moria is specifically talking about experiencing a Nightmare in the New World which is a reference to the Nightmare he experienced against Kaido in an arc directly referencing Wano and now we’re facing that same Kaido. It’s already set up to happen. The second being that Kaido upon his very introduction Kaido outright stated that he wants to and WILL start the greatest War the World has EVER seen and he doesn’t care if the planet is destroyed in the process. That can’t happen unless the Raid fails. It definitely IS going to happen because it’s very blatant set up. This is Oda, the type of writer who makes seemingly irrelevant random statements come back around and have huge impacts on the story. I mean hell, even that random one-off comment Zoro made about the Minks recovering quickly came back around into the plot.

Theres NO WAY he would have characters directly make such Big statements if they were meant to go no where. With Kaido’s plan, theres no way he doesn’t get to start it. Yes I know some of you will argue the villain doesn’t get what they want but his end goal is dying and finding One Piece not the war itself. He will obviously never achieve those things but we never stop the villain BEFORE they start their plan to get those things. We don’t stop Crocodile BEFORE the rebellion starts. We don’t stop Enel BEFORE he uses the Maxim. The villains never get what they want sure, but we ONLY put a stop to them when we are already neck deep in their plan. Because thats Drama. Thats storytelling. We always stop the villains plan at the Last. Possible. Second. Not before it all goes down. So by all means Kaido will get to start his war. But Luffy is going to end it.
Who is "he" even? I don't know the guy's name. I don't watch op youtubers.
3. Oda has directly set up two things to happen that indicate the raid will fail. The first is Gecko Moria directly stating stating that the Strawhats WILL experience a Nightmare in the New World. Moria is specifically talking about experiencing a Nightmare in the New World which is a reference to the Nightmare he experienced against Kaido in an arc directly referencing Wano and now we’re facing that same Kaido. It’s already set up to happen. The second being that Kaido upon his very introduction Kaido outright stated that he wants to and WILL start the greatest War the World has EVER seen and he doesn’t care if the planet is destroyed in the process. That can’t happen unless the Raid fails. It definitely IS going to happen because it’s very blatant set up. This is Oda, the type of writer who makes seemingly irrelevant random statements come back around and have huge impacts on the story. I mean hell, even that random one-off comment Zoro made about the Minks recovering quickly came back around into the plot.
I too think the need for another Oden amongst the Samurai, is set up for another boiling scenario. This is what I think will catapult ZKK into existence.
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