Luffy legit overpowered the strongest creature+strongest technique and send him into the ground(100km?) down.
At this point Luffy stand as one of the strongest characters right now.
BB and Imu must been very op if they can fight this Luffy later. At top Luffy is most like getting at least one power(CoC which Roger and Shanks had).
We will reach soon Dragonball messed up power shit... Greg warn that and sadly it happen.
Luffy legit overpowered the strongest creature+strongest technique and send him into the ground(100km?) down.
At this point Luffy stand as one of the strongest characters right now.
BB and Imu must been very op if they can fight this Luffy later. At top Luffy is most like getting at least one power(CoC which Roger and Shanks had).
We will reach soon Dragonball messed up power shit... Greg warn that and sadly it happen.