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It's because TRF is still going to happen and this is not the real endinging of the arc.
I mean... ok...

I will say, those sound like pretty good arguments, but I still stand by the notion that Kaido's ending is a million times more important than all of the tobiroppo & calamities combined.Kaido is the source of anguish for the people of Wano and he is the object of their hatred. For them to not even know what happened or actually see that they are free from Kaido is just not how Oda tends to write climaxes. And I emphasize that for Wano because it is the end of the biggest saga so far in One Piece. Never before have we had build-up to an arc and a villain that spanned almost 400 chapters.

If you look at the endings of every other major arc/saga like Arlong Park, Alabasta, Skypiea, Enies Lobby, Dressrosa, etc., they follow a very similar pattern in the end. We have all the people who are subjected to torment by the villain gathered in the same place with some kind of tense situation occurring alongside Luffy's fight with the villain. Then, we have the massive moment of relief when both the villain and the tense situation are resolved consecutively. Think of Arlong Park being destroyed by Arlong's defeat, rain returning to Alabasta and the war stopping as a result of Crocodile's defeat, the people of Skypiea being saved from Enel's wrath as a result of his defeat, the birdcage in Dressrosa disappearing as Doflamingo is KO'd, etc.

In Wano, the red flag is that the tense situation for the people seems to only come AFTER the villain is defeated. The entire Flower Capital have no idea that Onigashima was approaching towards them. Only after Kaido was defeated did the explosions start and they started to feel some kind of tension. And even that seems to be resolved for now.

Besides overarching thematic sequences, we have tangible plot points that have not been touched. I don't think it is expecting too much to think Oda will expand upon why Kaido came to Wano and how Wano contains clues to the One Piece, when he himself talked about it and hinted at it. I don't think it is expecting too much to think Oda will explain why Zoro saw a damn grim reaper lmao. Or that Oda will explain how Zoro coming to Wano was "fate" or literally every Zoro-related plot that exists in Wano because pretty much none of them have been touched besides Zoro finally getting CoC. And on top of that, we have zero idea what toki's prophecy refers to even though we were reminded of it no less than 2 chapters ago
Instead of judging that it's wrong for Oda to break certain patterns, what if we consider why Oda has decided to change things up this time around? Why would Oda choose to not have the civilians of Wano aware of the tension? Why would Oda choose to have the alliance unafraid of death? Why did Oda choose to signal Luffy's triumph with a volcanic eruption? Why is Zoro still unconscious? Are "raid is gonna fail" and "Oda sux now" really the only options we can think of?

People can like what they like and dislike what they dislike, but these are the questions worth asking.
Decent spoilers despite having momo and scabbards in it. Plot is moving forward. Yamato for nakama, middle finger for her haters. Just hope Oda moves on to information on poneglyphs, Zoro plot line, G5 side effects, outside wano reactions, bounties, Sabo situation etc.
Neither ACoC nor awakening were even fully explained before Luffy got them. Yes, they are asspulls and you don't need to defend Oda this hard.

You ever notice how Luffy is the only character this happens to? Doffy never got a haki boost when he was on the verge of losing. Kata never got a haki boost when he was on the verge of losing.

Luffy is the only character who perpetually is just handed power ups like this. So yeah, its plot. And admitting this doesn't make me "anti-luffy" or whatever.
Dude oda purpsoely written luffy df like that. you see ,every time luffy is in g4 form, His haki will definetly boost the next time he use it due to exhaustion and driin of stamin aafter using gear4. That is why luffy's haki is increasing tremendously. Also not only luffy . aKainu and aokijialso fought.. I think their haki boost is tremendous not only them even doffy,cracker or katakuri. Their haki will definetly increase because they fought using haki. It's just we didn't see any of them fight after their fight with luffy.
I mean... ok...

Instead of judging that it's wrong for Oda to break certain patterns, what if we consider why Oda has decided to change things up this time around? Why would Oda choose to not have the civilians of Wano aware of the tension? Why would Oda choose to have the alliance unafraid of death? Why did Oda choose to signal Luffy's triumph with a volcanic eruption? Why is Zoro still unconscious? Are "raid is gonna fail" and "Oda sux now" really the only options we can think of?

People can like what they like and dislike what they dislike, but these are the questions worth asking.
Only option is the raid failing:kuzanshut:
For everyone saying “the arc isn’t over yet”. Everything that follows from last chapter onwards is “Post-Onigashima” content for me… I’m not sure about you guys but I don’t include the Post-Enies Lobby Arc or Post-War Arc in my appreciation of their respective predecessors…

Luffy defeating Lucci is cathartic without the scene of Robin squeezing Franky’s balls into submission.

Ace being daddy fisted on live cam is cathartic without seeing Luffy ring the ox bell.

If Kaido’s (seemingly) lackluster defeat can only reach that same magnitude based on post-raid content, does that make it good? I personally don’t think so.

Cant wait act 4 start.
You ever notice how Luffy is the only character this happens to? Doffy never got a haki boost when he was on the verge of losing. Kata never got a haki boost when he was on the verge of losing.
Did you also notice Luffy is the only character in the whole verse with haki time limit? And what makes you think that Doflamingo or Katakuri didn't hit their celling while Luffy was not even reached his potential? or mentality difference between them and Luffy maybe one of the reasons there was no haki boost?


This week threads will be awesome

CarrotforNakama will be broken and full go ape shit
We will have spamming about new monster trio and all the Sanji/Zoro stuff
People going apeshit because no ZKK
Some woke shit abkout Yamato being a man and Oda is a sexist with the reactions of Brook and Sanji
Darker Time ahead , we should be ready :peperain:
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