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Still, Ashura is not CoC.

That was Zoro going all out, by going all out, he allowed Enma to suck the CoC out of him, just like it's explained against King.
I give Zoro a little bit more credit than you. If Ashura was always a CoC attack, I think Zoro would know that, don't you?

Ashura is CoC, and Zoro really didn't know about it.

Don't be in denial. Wano arc is less of Zoro's arc than WCI to Sanji, yet Zoro not only confirmed having CoC in Wano he also learned advanced CoC. While Sanji left WCI still as punching bag and only received daddy capsule as gift.
Good, shows he has personality. Reminds me of Kyoraku a lot.

If he is even 80% as cool as him GB will easily hit my top 3 OP characters.
As someone who started recently watching Bleach, Shunsui Kyōraku is one of my favorite Captains.

If Ryokugyu is anywhere similar to Shunsui, then he will probably become one of my favorite Admirals.