What the best thing in the chap ?

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I don't get your point
imagine sanji fans say sanji can do same thing like zoro feats in rooftop. You will say that is sanji leeching off zoro feats

We have to judge feats separate rather leeching off other top tier people.

Greenbull destroy king and queen like nothing.
‘In order kaido to destroy king and queen faster is drunken mode or flame mode to one shot everyone.
Big mom do t have any feats to destroy king and queen faster. Queen did get up and capture big mom.

Shanks has no feats byt hype and story telling. Shanks and his crew fought kaido and king offscreen. We have no idea about this event. Did shanks scare them off so kaido and king goes to wano and return to marineford without notice ?
Yonko still stronger than the admirals
The admirals still dope tho like always

Buggy might be the exception but if he ends up actually comparable to the other yonko in individual strength thatd be insane lol

Deleted member 83

can you posting early spoiler when sanji vs green bull happens next month?
I troll a lot but I don’t really want to post fake spoilers
This is what the whole month is going to be like.
The Road to Laugh Tale booklets shall deliver us from this madness with all the unused Carrot fan service sketches and Orochi sword fights
I hate Liyori. She's ugly and can't do shit.
Sounds like a certain female Naruto character too
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