If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Lead them to paradise.
But i never thought he went all out. He never used drunken modes which is where he truly goes all out. I'm still confident that up until that point he took no oponnent prior as seriously as he did Yamato.

Went to hybrid immediately while he still played with the SN at the beginning, and even against 1010 Luffy he had "fun" while he looked bloodlusted against Yamato (referring to that panel where he beats her up on the ground).
You could explain his bloodlust because he was angry at Yamato's bullshit, especially in the middle of a war. Im pretty sure he took 1010 Luffy more seriously than Yamato.
Non acoc attacks from big mom>> any attack from sanji. How does any sane person thinks someone like sanji is even close to yonko level ppl. Even zoro who’s stronger than sanji isn’t close to yonko level ppl😭😭
The same attacks that couldnt take out Ulti ? Lol no.

Big Mom is a borderline Top Tier. Likely the weakest and its not her AP that keeps her at that lvl. Sanji factually has a better AP feat than her. The strongest person she was ever able to beat was a Tobbi Roppo, and Sanji's IJ shitted on a Calamity.


The Rogue Prince
Old and sick don't, since when he was going to use he had heart attacks, you can't read?
Are you illiterate?
If Whitebeard can't use Haki, then how the fuck was he fighting the Admirals who were all Logias? We literally see him hurt Akainu on panel.
Besides, a single panel alone is enough to throw your entire argument in the garbage where it belongs.

Fodders won't be wondering whether Kuzan was dead or not, if Whitebeard wasn't using Haki genius.
this is a major L for the admirals.. i mean their fans argued and portrayed them as "more competent, get the job done" compared to the emperors, but truthfully, they are no better. The only admiral that has shown any remarkable competency is Akainu and thats about it!

not only Fuji and Greenbull were not able to defeat the revos, they also couldnt stop them from saving Kuma. A huge W for Sabo and the revos. Doesnt matter if they cant beat the admirals, they got what they came for.
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