If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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not really..

wood is a mixture of 2 elements water and earth if you know Yamato from Naruto or Hashirama

.. you can say a compound but semantically scientifically thats incorrect use of the word compound

call it an aggregate or OH yea synthesis is the right word as finalBeta coz he science me no science

but regardless think of Aramaki as just a Wood style user with Hashirama cells that instantly regenerate if you smash or cut him up
I thought the 5 elements were metal, water, wood, fire and earth.
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The Rogue Prince
Thanks for posting the panel of Trebol and Doffy ganging up on Law off screen
Same Trebol who got one-shot by an injured Law who did not have an arm, is somehow now a problem to Law lmfao? Trebol was more of a liability to protect for Doffy rather than an asset lmao thats how weak Trebol was compared to Law.

Still doesnt change the fact that Law got babyshaked by (base) Doffy.
I mean, Bege is also part of Big Mom's crew. I don't think that matters much besides, Big Mom herself wasn't fully convinced.

True, Cracker had the abilities to stall out G4's timelimit and eventually beat an exhausted Luffy. Despite G4 two shotting the biscuits.
But that doesn't really mean Luffy was weaker than YC3s or anything, especially in G4 forms.
Reminder that Luffy was matching Big Mom's physical strength & CoA with G4's punches, Boundman is incredibly strong raw force wise. It was overwhelming Doffy & Kata when they tried to face it physically and was sending them flying 100s of metres.

Because that amount of explosive power is timelimited, how G4 Luffy performs is entirely matchup dependent. All the villains who fought it where tailor made to stall it - Doffy stalled it with his aerial mobility & building sized strings with townwide AOE, Cracker had his biscuits & Kata had his FS/Intangibility combo. It would fail to beat characters who are tricky and have abilities suited to stall like them but would absolutely wipe the floor with characters who have no choice but to face Boundman physically like Jack or Smoothie. No surpise though, because G4 was made to fight Zoans and absolutely overwhelm them physically.

Katakuri even noted that when he admitted that G4 was a superior force to Cracker.

Then again, Doffy isn't Luffy. He can easily deal with Cracker's biscuit spam by using his own awakening to turn the biscuits into strings. Katakuri demonstrated that when he turned Mirrorworld, Brulee's DF ability into Mochi.
And unlike Luffy, Doffy isn't limited by time as well.
Katakuri never noticed g4 was above Cracker

Katakuri noticed how Cracker lost by losing composure! Same way he would have lost.
That's the whole thing about that page you posted.

Doffy is trash deal with it
Oda wouldn't give him so much help if he was leagues above base Law or above Luffy in general
GB can only flex on weakened groups : handicapped Calamities, retainers ( kinnemon with random weapons, one arm kiku, base dukes, no Ashura and Izo)

Vs healthy full powered dudes :
He and Fuji are sent to hospital
If he claps the entire retainers with no issues, do you think it would make a huge difference if they were healthy? Especially if he also outclasses Yamato as well?

We have to see how he deals with them at first.
@Echizen_Jo_Ndule When the weakest Admiral comes in and replicates Kaido's best feat in the raid knowing Akainu is far above that I'm going to fucking go crazy lmao....especially since all the clowning you did these past days.

So you better tell me GB didn't defeat the Scabbards.
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