If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Zorotards, admiraltards, Sanjitards all about to do mass sepuku with their butter knives LMFAO.
So Yamato clowns this admiral, and MOMO manhandles him? HAHAHAHA. This same guy neg diffed King and Queen at the same time who Sanji and Zoro had extremely hard fights against XD.

Yamato>Zoro/Sanji/admirals CONFIRMED
Adult Momo>Zoro/Sanji/admirals CONFIRMED
Sabo>Zoro/Sanji/admirals CONFIRMED

YONKO Straw Hat Luffy and other Yonkos>>>>>>>>>>>>admirals confirmed
Cope Zorotards/Sanjitards/Admiraltards Cope XD


Welcome to the House of Hope
Did he defend that system though? Or did he just state that this is how the world works?

From a realist perspective, Aramaki is absolutely correct. The government does survive off of discrimination, they do rule the world as gods.

I don’t think Aramakinsaid that this is a good thing, but that this is how the world works which is factual.
He seems very eager about enforcing this status quo.
If you don't try to change things at some level somehow, then you're complacent with said system.
There's no "neutrality" against tyranny.
Fuji tried to "clean house" by going against the Shichibukais and their privileges.
Aokiji, despite "following orders" did many things with a heavy heart, and he was the "moderate" choice compared with Akainu.

Then we have Akainu, Kizaru and Aramaki.
These 3 seems totally unaffected by the problems. We could make an argument about Akainu and his "clashes" with the Gorosei, but it's hard to say if he doesn't just want free pass to start wiping pirates left and right. Let's not forget that he blew a ship with a whole population based on a CHANCE that one of them could be a historian from Ohara.
Where’s the part where Akainu said

“Don’t make excuses for them”?

Yamato could BARELY damage her father but 1 hit and Greenbull almost passed out 😂🤣
Akainu saying that doesn’t change the fact that greenbull and fuji had to hold back. Akainu could kill 99 pirates and let one go and still think he suffered an L. And where did it say anything about greenbull almost passing out? Y’all fr struggle to read without an agenda
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