Who's the better troll?

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Ray's CoC = Shanks' CoC, show me Shanks fighting anyone so we can compare his stats with Rayleigh.
Lmao troll Shanks showed the highest level of CoC Haki, by splitting heavens. Shanks showed his CoC superior than Yamato's CoC as well. Rayleigh never showed that shit. Luffy can KO 100k fodder fishmen right now, that's only because there are only 100k fodder fishmen there, not more than 100k. Shanks > both Rayleigh or Luffy. Btw, even Luffy splitted heavens with CoC, Rayleigh still didn't split heavens, lol.


Lmao troll Shanks showed the highest level of CoC Haki, by splitting heavens. Shanks showed his CoC superior than Yamato's CoC as well. Rayleigh never showed that shit. Luffy can KO 100k fodder fishmen right now, that's only because there are only 100k fodder fishmen there, not more than 100k. Shanks > both Rayleigh or Luffy. Btw, even Luffy splitted heavens with CoC, Rayleigh still didn't, lol.
i had no idea people could split the sky alone
But GB can clearly take on many high tiers at once.

If you're fighting 6 high tiers at once at an advantage you're not slightly stronger than them, you're at least a tier higher.
Its funny, when the 9 scabbards at their strongest (with Sulong) got mopped by Kaido in base y’all were downplaying them saying not even 3 of them were high tiers but now suddenly the 6 scabbards that fought GB are all high tiers, including Raizo 🤣

Gorosei Informer

this might be one of your best esits so far
Lmao thank you. It was just a casual but imo necessary rant turned into a meme to make it "go down better" so to speak, to be "received better" or so. Sugarcoating even maybe?

I adore Carrot but I'm tired of Oda's shit especially with Perospero. Perospero is fucking awesome as hell but what happened with her and Wanda vs him was fucking disgusting and insulting. But you know, Misogynist D Oda is consistent as usual.

4 years of her barely existing in Wano too. Gifters have had better screentime and roles FFS.

Lmao thank you. It was just a casual but imo necessary rant turned into a meme to make it "go down better" so to speak, to be "received better" or so. Sugarcoating even maybe?

I adore Carrot but I'm tired of Oda's shit especially with Perospero. Perospero is fucking awesome as hell but what happened with her and Wanda vs him was fucking disgusting and insulting. But you know, Misogynist D Oda is consistent as usual.

4 years of her barely existing in Wano too. Gifters have had better screentime and roles FFS.

But Ryuma grave plot when?
Its funny, when the 9 scabbards at their strongest (with Sulong) got mopped by Kaido in base y’all were downplaying them saying not even 3 of them were high tiers but now suddenly the 6 scabbards that fought GB are all high tiers, including Raizo 🤣
Kawamatsu, Denjiro, and the dukes are, as are Yamato and I would argue Momo.

Raizo and Shinobu are not.

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
please accept this avatar as a humble offer
That's a really funny pfp

But I have to respectfully decline since I really like my current one. Took a while to get it the perfect size like this as well.

Apologies that its a litttle hard to read. I was gonna make it less wordy/verbal and easier to read but ah fuck it lol.

if Oda really wanted her to join, she would have at WCI or maybe beginning of Wano, when they paid tribute to Pedro too. She's a lost cause now unfortunately.

I like Yamato and I love Jinbei but I'm having to give up on Carrot given how Oda AWFULLY wrote her this arc, both when he did show her vs Perospero and thus overall but also how she didn't exist/be relevant/do anything for the rest of the arc too.

Carrot had seriously amazing potential and was written so well from Zou to WCI imo. She was a really promising addition to the crew potentially and fitted in so naturally, it felt like she was a SH after all. Some called her the Vivi of the New World and said she wouldn't join due to that, maybe they were right all along? But at least Vivi got to be an actual Strawhattoo temporarily, she was their nakama for a while...

I shall hold strong until the end

Gorosei Informer

That's a really funny pfp

But I have to respectfully decline since I really like my current one. Took a while to get it the perfect size like this as well.

I shall hold strong until the end
Very admirable and inspiring! Foolish but commendable! I wish I had that kind of faith in anything anymore! :catpole::catblush::catsweat::catsure::catcry:

There's always fan content to satiate us too assuming Oda doesn't give us what we want too. It softens the blow/pain somewhat definitely at least.

The way I look at it too, at least she really got to shine before too. Its the same with certain other characters who have left the stage so to speak. For whats it worth, those characters ("actors") really gave it their all and at least we got to enjoy that if nothing else!

Oo thanks making shit up now i see lol. Mans not huffing or any indication of stamina. Stop the headcanon. All this shows is he can move around freely in his forest like Moria with shadows
Huh? It's clear that may be the case since he absorbs nutrients. Unless you have panels explaining his fruit in its entirety.

If he can move around freely why does he have to use an entirely ability dedicated to protecting him from fire?


Rayleigh didn't show it yet, Shanks did.

One who has shown it (feat) > one who didn't show it yet. (featless)

Rayleigh also couldn't send an Admiral away, Lizaru stalemate him and made him sweating. Shanks send an Admiral away from 1 km, lmao.
meh rayleigh coc=Shanks coc per author's own words
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