Who's the better troll?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Which is why Green Bull vs Kid will happen next chapter. Same mentality.

Jinbe is confirmation that was always gonna be like that.

He didn't go after him. The man just prevented them from escaping.
Law was in top condition and GB walked into an alliance that just took down 2 emperors and a week passed. Don't ignore that.
I can see that man, his personality is oddly endearing and I would stan him if not for well, you know his personality .
Why do people keep saying that Big Mom is alive in the movie? Is there any scene hinting that?

If they are alive they might have well landed on pluton, or the volcano blasted them outside Wano


Which is why Green Bull vs Kid will happen next chapter. Same mentality.

Jinbe is confirmation that was always gonna be like that.

He didn't go after him. The man just prevented them from escaping.
Law was in top condition and GB walked into an alliance that just took down 2 emperors and a week passed. Don't ignore that.
A week passed.
"Our heroes are still recovering"
so this chapter confirmed another wano underneath current wano ,and during kaido defeat he and bm were sent into the magma and oda makes it a point to show the cracks in the mountain leading to the wall that was stated this chapter...In the kaido defeat chapter we get the huge explosion as well but maybe that was not enough, we also see that pluton is deeper than the original wano so what are the chances that kaido and bm are getting pluton it seems pretty plausible to me wano could be about to go bat shit crazy lmao
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