@comrade @mmd @Sasaki Kojirō @MonsterKaido Oda literally made BMP version 2.0 here with cross guild.
- Clown like BM became Clown Buggy as boss.
- CoO specialist Katakuri is now clairvoyant Mihawk.
- Hydrophobic Cracker and Crocodile.
So lame of Shanks past rival and Oda can't even let either emperor or marines stay without jokers.

So those nonsensical theories of GB > Kaido had affected not only marine fandom but also ZKK group !?
When WG can give a clown like Buggy, the title of Schibukai than when 3 schibukais came together than why couldn't give them title of emperor !?
Now it's Mihawk's and Crocodile's choice to follow a clown like Buggy (lol) so that makes you believe " NOW MIHAWK CAN LOW DIFF SHANKS, EMPERORS & ADMIRALS". Really? Just like ZKK wet dream based on nonsensical theories?
Or Mihawk's fandom thinks just like Buggy's followers from ID :
Mihawk (applies on fandom too) : Wow so cool, i can't even measure the distance with my black blade but this guy can talk on equal footing with WB and later one is even wanting to cooperate with him. So cool
I can feel how Mihawk got inspiration to join Buggy :
Mihawk : ohh my, this blackblade of mine isn't even able to finish off a paramecia fruit holder, just how high is his capabilities and mastery over haki ? This is my idol now. Later on I'm going to follow him.