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As someone who read every single WCI chapter on a weekly basis just like any other ch, this chapter was so bad that I couldn't read it.
Act 3 truly ended up as a complete tragedy. This should be studied as an example of how not to write. Just wow.
Forget about convincing others, Oda's angels will have their hands full trying to convince themselves that this was peak fiction.
but Zoro still killing Kaido yes?
It doesn't change a fucking thing then LMAO
It does change, the pun is meant to be in singular form and not plural. Meaning that it only targets a single individual, Orochi.

Or do every people talking shit (and rightfully so) about any bad guy in History are wishing the things they say to all people wearing the same Last name ? Should they use the first name like with Oden ? But what about all the people wearing that First name ? Maybe we should use First name + Last name but two people with the same combo is also not as rare of an occurence as one might think.

I have the solution, never speak ill of anybody, wouldn't that be great ? Oh wait, I need to wake up from that dream.

It's clearly meant to target Orochi.
It does change, the pun is meant to be in singular form and not plural. Meaning that it only targets a single individual, Orochi.

Or do every people talking shit (and rightfully so) about any bad guy in History are wishing the things they say to all people wearing the same Last name ? Should they use the first name like with Oden ? But what about all the people wearing that First name ? Maybe we should use First name + Last name but two people with the same combo is also not as rare of an occurence as one might think.

I have the solution, never speak ill of anybody, wouldn't that be great ? Oh wait, I need to wake up from that dream.

It's clearly meant to target Orochi.
I think the intent was to target Orochi but the execution of it leaves a fair bit to be desired, especially since the arc has ended without any real acknowledgment about how bad the treatment of the Kurozumi by the people of Wano was. Treatment which is the same as that Oda has explicitly criticised in previous (better) arcs.

I suppose there was Oden’s dance as an apology, but people didn’t like that much either.
Watching One Piece denfeders bend over backwards to try and defend Hiyori's line is something else
It's not about defending Hiyori, it's just about applying common sense and not hyperventilating over someone still (and understandably) being emotional/upset in a fictional story.

I've heavily criticized the writing this arc for 2 years now, but this (supposed) Hiyori line is actually a non-issue, really.

Only ones upset about that are some hypocritical morons.

With Wano finally over, gotta say it was a great arc. Some problems here or there, but overall was epic in its highs. Luffy shined like always. Zoro and Nami had epic character moments, the best moments in the crew of anyone outside Luffy, like they typically do (Original Trio for the win). The Captain trio were great, and a lot of people look like clowns for trying to say Law wasn't Luffy's rival or that Zoro was stronger than him, both of which got stomped to dust multiple times throughout the arc (Law is clearly portrayed as the WB to Luffy's Roger). Kaido and Big Mom were great, as were the fights against Luffy and Law/Kid, respectively. Marco coming back was excellent. The historical portion of Wano was excellent, as were the themes.

From this chapter specifically, the highlights were Luffy giving Momo the flag, Momo's development, and the competition between the Captain's which was hilarious.

As for Yamato, pretty clear that Yamato is joining later like Jinbe. She wants to sail but wants to explore first. Has an invitation from Luffy, and has no responsibility to Wano like Momo or Kin’emon. Has a major connection to Ace with Blackbeard's arc looming. She'll be back.

Also, a lot of people on the internet showing how stupid they are with the Hiyori/genocide/Nazi comments that were taken out of context to begin with. Not even really worth getting into how it was a play, nor a play on Oden’s words, nor the sheer admission of not knowing what a genocide is, but whatever.

All in all, Wano had its issues but those were overwhelmingly surpassed by how good it was. Can't wait to see what's next.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
I'm going to wait for the official translation to really get into this, but: from the end of the chapter and the narrator:
"That concludes today's tale... on our nation's renowned Samurai, and how they miraculously returned to us.
With that, I think a well earned break is in order. Till we meet again. Farewell!"
Final Curtain
Inherited Will never fades...

This section is placed directly after the Rakugo section, implying that One Piece's narration, or, at least the narration of Wano, is being performed as a Rakugo play. It may be that Wano, or One Piece itself, is being performed as a Rakugo play, and that the narration we're getting is a Rakugo performer. Neat. "Today's tale" especially makes it seem like a live performance. Knowing Oda's love for Rakugo, this makes sense.

"A well earned break." So, we're coming back. If we're taking a break from Wano, that means we're coming back. Everyone will be so happy! "Till we meet again." Yep, DEFINITELY COMING BACK TO WANO

"Final Curtain."
This is what bugs me. No, end of Wano? No, End of Act 3? I'll wait for the official translation, but... this is suspicious.

Also, Inherited Will? Oden's dream was to open Wano's borders. I imagine this is the real reason Yamato stayed behind.