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fucking brain dead take

BM can easily choke any YC1 to death and Marco will just take a shit on ling
@TheAncientCenturion insults again

Plus Big Mom couldn't choke Marco for shit she tried but Marco got out and Big Mom realized Marco is too much and she ran away
This is what choking someone to death looks like

Sanji was too weak to break King's grip and then King nearly killed him until his daddy saved him.
Current Sanji dies
I was telling you that Rupee's opponents arent that impressive the whole time... Why didnt you believe me? :kriwhat:
And no, Gintoki-chin, Shiryu is a YC2. :goyea:
and zolo’s opponents are easily much shittier and unimpressive than Luffy’s:cheers:

now that your zkk cope didn’t happen this is how you cope? Really a fun to see it:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:


Hustlerversity Graduate
But I can't see why.

If you believed that before, then this chapter not only didn't go against you, but established a new Garp-Koby parallel of some kind and, more importantly, demonstrates without any doubt that Koby is an important character: related to BB, praised by him, fundamental at Rocky Port, now kidnapped by BB and for this destimated to be relevant in the future in the main plot.

If you didn't believe it before, then this chapter didn't make you change your mind I suppose.
Well as other point out because the one that held that opinion is the same one with anti Z and Mihawk>Shanks takes so it kinda add fuel to the fire
fairy condom ain't neg difing shit
when was the last time rubbercuck ever beat anyone on his own (aka without help or his oppenent being on death bed)
Kaido literally at 80% health because shitters like zolo only did 1-3% damage

when did zolo ever beat an opponent that’s significantly stronger than Luffy? None? Thought so:gokulaugh:
Cope Mald Seethe and Cry
Zoro trashes Big Mom
It's obvius Oda hasn't given Zoro the narrative place to trash a great pirate like Big Mom; his place regarding those leagues is just a consolation prize right before he falls defeated in front of Kaidou. He belongs to the 1.39b subordinate (a threat level that will only keep seeming smaller and smaller as Oda loses his mind with bounties) as one of the actual great pirate's wings, that's his place: second fiddle. And no psychotic interpretation of "power levels" you may make will ever change that, because no matter the crap you come up with, the narrative is simple, clear as day, a message 95% of readers end up getting is that an emperor whose defeat put Kid and Law among the big names of the world is too much for Zoro, King and whatever person who isn't actually among the top of piracy right now.

Again, just read the narrative. Zoro will one day be up there, one day he will be capable of defeating Big Mom. But not now, it serves zero narrative purpose for Oda's scheme of things. Defeating an emperor isn't a matter of whose slash is bigger but of milestones; and Zoro's current milestone wasn't an emperor but an emperor's subordinate.

Thats exactly what he's doing. If he didnt care he would have BB defeating Ray or vise versa. Having BB using coa first time against the SSG is to show us, the audience, that they are not pushovers and powerscale them between YC level.
Blackbeard has a human body. A weak sea monster took Shanks's arm, Squard pierced through Whitebeard's whole chest, Jinbe used CoA first time against some Charlotte fodder and of course a slash would have hurt Teach if taken directly. Heck, I bet you could stab the guy if he existed in real world, the blade isn't breaking upon touching his skin as if he's Kaidou, Big Mom or freaking Bobby Funk.

And of course he cares about not having Rayleigh nor Blackbeard defeated here, but not because of some power level crap.
Wasn't that confirmed in the spoilers?

My guess is that Wang Zhi is a brutal pirate, seen his past in the Rocks. And I doubt he would be friendly with a Worst Generation member, considering one of them (Teach) defeated him.

But I think the nature of their meeting will depend on Wang Zhi relationship with Kaido & Linlin in the past.
Wherever Wang Zhi is he sure knows Kidd is one of the there that defeated them so...
- If he used to hate them, then he could even take Kidd in sympathy and share informations.
- If he used to get alonge/be friend with them, then there will be blood.
Let’s hope it’s the latter option then. Kidd vs Wang Zhi sounds fire lol
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