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Teach's first bounty was when he became Yonko he did all the shit in Impel Down and Marine Ford got a fleet and he was worth nearly half as much as Mihawk.

That's the accurate portrayal of gap between Teach and Mihawk. Mihawk mid diffs him at worst @Shiroyru
Here is my Mihawk vs Yonko rankings and I am being 100% honest here

Mihawk low diffs Big Mom by feats. Mid diffs by Portrayal
Mid diffs Teach and Luffy
High diffs Kaido
Extreme diffs Shanks (or maybe high most likely)
Extreme diff either way with Prime Whitebeard.

Luffy might be low diff too but idk.
:kaidowhat: you truly are a delusional nut:lulz:you to be readng ten piece, even mihawk himself looking at this comment of yours like:odenugh:
Teach hype. You love to see it. Nearly 4 billion, man's making it in the world. If Oda had no issues pushing him past Luffy, I expect maybe even a bit more before their awaited battle.

I recall Oda mentioning Devon hated women that were seen as beautiful, guess even she fell victim to Hancock's powers.

Would be nice if instead of just saying some spoilers are fake, the authentic ones were clarified.
Mihawk is Yonko level, but he loses to Kaido and Shanks
That's still a shitty opinion
Buggy was known as Shanks rival was worth only 3 Billion
Mihawk the superior of Shanks was worth 3.6 Billion

Imagine if Mihawk was yonko for 6 years
Had a very special crew
Very famous commanders

He would be worth at least 6 Billion
Shanks pre yonko was worth only one billion

At most maybe his strength is worth 2 Billion
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