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I like your salt instead of counter-arguments.
Rooftop is a display of Zoro's overwhelming power compared to 3rd class clown who cant do anything but drag Zoro down.
That has been true from the start and it will be true until the end.
It's impressive that you can still deny it as if it didnt happen. :goyea:
I don't know how you can be a zoro fan and yet be so wrong about his character


The Rogue Prince
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they won't have that special ability, where they can switch between dura and speed mode and it's imo doubtful, whether they can make their fire to magma.
But on the other hand I think they can easily have those fixed stats like the lunarians' toughness, their high physical strength and access to different kinds of fire spam moves and they might be able to fly, cause Pacifistas were already functioning on some kind of AI and could fight autonomously, while now there's even lineage factor - bio engineering - put into the mix, so they might be able to usd dem wings.
Most likely yes, I agree.
They would have those base abilities that every Lunarian inherit but they would surely not be as powerful as King imo. Especially since Haki also plays a role.
An army of giant-lunarian hybrid soldiers who are obedient to the WG does sound menacing, easily the strongest out of the numerous "armies" we've seen so far (SMILES, homies, Giants etc,.).

Imo they won't be "King"s, but I can easily see them being pretty strong high tiers, depending on the abilities they have.
Hopefully they are lol... Cause BB nuking Pacifista like beings isn't even mildly impressive otherwise
I doubt they are individually high tiers, atleast I can't imagine how an army of obedient high tiers would look like... especially considering that the Shichibukai themselves were a mix of strong high tiers & stronger characters, so an army of even weak high tiers would probably blow them out of the park.
Like the quantity & quality of them should compensate most likely; as in the lesser the number of Seraphims, the stronger they are individually. If they are made in large numbers, then I doubt they are that strong individually.
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