
Another win. :cheers:
(they said I was using a wrong translation in that thread lmao)
Previous wins:
- Right prediction on Blackbeard attacking Hancock - Win
- Right prediction, Base Blackbeard (with no DF) fought Captain Shanks (same as Mihawk)
- Right prediction on Advance CoC - Win :
- Right prediction Tekkai = CoA Haki ? :
- Right prediction on ZKK not happening - Win
- Right prediction Yonko > Admirals, Yonko Shanks negged Admiral Greenbull and Admiral Kizaru, - Win
- Right prediction,
don't assume Blackbeard's bounty will stay as 2.2 billion
Mihawk fans said he has higher bounty than Yonko BB - win
- Right prediction on ''
greatest'' and ''
skill'' about Mihawk's title :
I am bored to be always right, you guys making this too easy.