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The fact that rayleigh a fruitless top tier admitted that hes weaker than teach is even more hype tbh
He never admitted that.
He is simply suggesting in his old age he is not able to take care of Teach and his entire crew and that's just a speculation.

What really happened is Teach took a dump in his pants at a mere sight of Rayleigh with his subordinates shitting themselves.

At worst it confirms Old and Rusty Rayleigh is Kaido level.


Hustlerversity Graduate
Coby wanting to reason with Boa rather than just destroy the island was nice. Ignoring power discussion, he's still a cool and kind person. Wanting to arrest just Boa seems fine though seeing how Kuma was treated by the Celestial Dragons brings in a whole discussion on the treatment of prisoners.
Nah tbf Kuma was like outdated toys lol , because he doesn't have emotions and that will make him good slave

True, if any CD wanted Hancock as a slave they can get it
We know Rayleigh says hes cant beat teach in his current shape
Never said that.
He is simply speculating he can't beat Teach and his entire crew.
Beating teach means beating his entire crew and even that is mere Rayleigh's guess.

There is no no devil fruit buillshit here that you are leaching off of.
Same Teach will buttrape Shanks soon.
He was scared pissing in his pants on Rayleigh.

Old Rayleigh is at worst Yonko level.
Where did he admit that? All I see is speculation that Teach himself disagrees with. Lol
He never admitted that.
He is simply suggesting in his old age he is not able to take care of Teach and his entire crew and that's just a speculation.

What really happened is Teach took a dump in his pants at a mere sight of Rayleigh with his subordinates shitting themselves.

At worst it confirms Old and Rusty Rayleigh is Kaido level.
Rayleigh: "To be honest, things have been favorable for us. I'm old now, so I wouldn't be able to defeat the current Blackbeard."
Rayleigh: "To be honest, things have been favorable for us. I'm old now, so I wouldn't be able to defeat the current Blackbeard."
lmaoo literally sounds like a shit tier fan wank translation.
But it is same as Garp saying Marines can't fight Rayleigh and Whitebeard at the same time.
Whitebeard includes Whitebeard's crew as well right?

Teach must have the most pathetic crew in the world to not interfere.
Well I won't blame them, they were shitting themselves frozen shut in Rayleigh's presence @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
Great chapter for Admiral > Yonko.

“The Marines didn’t attack Shanks because they were scared of him!” 1059 confirms that the Marines cannot attack Yonko without the approval of navy HQ (IE the Fleet Admiral or Tsuru)

“Admiral > Yonko because Rayleigh stalled Kizaru!” Now we have fucking EOS Blackbeard filling his britches with diarrhea at the mere sight of Rayleigh

“Shanks > Aramaki because Aramaki pooped himself!” Now Shanks’ equal is begging Rayleigh not to use the retirement Jutsu on him

Shanks to Aramaki “pls don’t let this manga get good okay?”

Aramaki to Shanks “sleep in fear crip, I’ll kill you and your whole crew later”


Rayleigh to Teach “if you even Fucking look at this Devil fruit you just sailed across the Fucking ocean for, my mesothelioma ass is going to tear you into two separate Yonko”

Teach to Rayleigh “okay I’ll be going now”

Rejoice my kings. We livin

@MarineHQ @silverfire @The White Crane @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Akainu @Extravlad @kurwa @Kurozumi Wiwi @SakazOuki
You gonna acknowledge old Ray’s supremacy now? :) ofc Kizaru still mid-diffs him, but Ray is probably median level for a yonko even in his old age.

If Akainu was alone Blackbeard would have beat his ass but he knew not to fight him with tons of marines there that are ready to jump on Akainu's dick and stop Blackbeard from having a fair fight.
You have it completely backwards. Bb had his crew with him complete with his commanders including level 6 prisoners. Akainu wasn’t shown to have brought even one named marine, not even one vice admiral as far as we know, just irrelevant fodder. It’s always the pirates sneak attacking and fighting admirals 10v1. The single name that caused van augur to yell in fear and Teach to retreat was “Akainu.” Note that hearing “it’s the navy” did not bother Teach. It was Akainu’s sole presence that forced him to abandon his plans.
If Boa doesn't leave Amazon Lily, the next opponent (Akainu or Imu by himself or with Gorosei) won't be as kind as BB. I think she'll become a slave again
Nah. There won't be another attack on Amazon Lily. That would be boring and redundant. Shakky and Rayleigh will probably advice Hancock to move out. Maybe they'll join the Revo army.
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