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Zoro is just scared to fight Seraphim Mihawk and he also hates Vivi
yeah clown:suresure:, a guy that saved twice Vivi, doesnt care about her....nonsense:vistalaugh:, it just proof Zoro has a much stronger influence than all the other clowns that are following the king clown.
Zoro washed lunarian axe shit with his strong advcoc, nothing to fear for Woro


That cover, huh? Similar to Zoro, not all of those characters have the title of first mate. I selected the No. 2s as I saw fit. Usually, Shachi and Penguin are more dependable, but those two—who have seen Bepo's Sulong form—are no match for Bepo in terms of fighting power...! I acknowledge him.

Nice but i thought you read the manga not the SBS
What destroyed the Kingdom is neither Imu Powers, nor Uranus, it's a Second Pluton

I believe it was created by Vegapunk and that's replacement of Shichibukai, those New Pacifista are simply the workers/soldiers on it

It's not called Pluton ofc but it's created in similar way, not because Vega have Blueprints but because he is as Smart as the one who created it in Ancient Times

This Arc is gonna focus on Imu, Vega, Celestial Dragons, Dragon and Revos + Cross Guild and also Fishmen Island and few others

But it's not final Arc, there will appear a Superior Villain to Imu (His Boss to be exact)
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