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CoC: Color of Clowns

Minks Gone Wild, Unrated Furry Garchu Action
Thousand or millions of people.Kuma can't teleport an entire country 1 a split second or else his fruit would be an ancient weapon.Also,if that Kingdom was not destroyed,the hype goes down the drain.
IDK, we never saw his full power. Kuma could be capable of this.

Given that Moda's been in a cover story with Ace, was featured in the introduction of the Revolutionary Commanders, and was shown in this section, I doubt she's dead.

This has another Oda fakeout death written all over it, though it would be crazy to be wrong.
|One Piece Chapter 1061 Spoilers Discussion|

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I can’t believe we finally get to see Vegapunk!!!

Gorosei Informer

Non power scaling/agenda chapters tend to be like this :suresure:
Lmao true man. Sorry for snapping at you on Discord recently too!

Who cares about lore, reveals, characters and such when we can argue whether Shanks is a swordsman or not, whether Mihawk the "worlds skillest swordsman", if Shanks is a hakiman and if Shanks being slightly taller than Mihawk makes him stronger too lmfao.

Not to mention the usual Tom and Jerry I mean Zoro and Sanji stuff lmao.

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