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Chopper and Franky imo need it next. If Elbaf isn't next, then it's possible Brook gets something before Usopp. If this is Marine/Revo stuff, then hopefully next arc is Underworld related (if this one also isnt). Maybe Brook knows some shit lol
Franky hype this arc is expected. Oda already teased with Bounty Poster

I feel like Brook needs some sort of storyline though. Him and Usopp are really in danger of just being left to shit. I hope Oda starts hinting at Usopp this arc for next arc as well icl
The moment Sanji realizes Zoro has CoC is coming

The moment Zoro realizes Sanji's speed is godlike is also coming

Fodder appear to Zoro = Zoro knocks them out with CoC

Fodder appear to Sanji = Sanji wipes them out without moving a finger to the point it looks like they fainted

Franky hype this arc is expected. Oda already teased with Bounty Poster

I feel like Brook needs some sort of storyline though. Him and Usopp are really in danger of just being left to shit. I hope Oda starts hinting at Usopp this arc for next arc as well icl
I wouldn't worry about Usopp at leastXDD

He's definitely saving Elbaf as that last big adventure arc. Usopp definitely will be central to that
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