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Does this development sort of put BB as the main antagonist for the bigger arc? Who would have thought that SHPs would fight BBPs to save Coby? It's not a given but Luffy is certainly going to find out that BB kidnapped Coby due to Helmeppo being there.

Gorosei Informer

Hold on, the Usopp lie about the dwarves or something that he told to Kaya became real during Dressrosa, right?
So will we eventually see God Usopp/Sogeking go to a real Sniper Island? Elbaf after Egghead? :lumazed:
Usopp sniping from the shoulders of giants would be godly. God Usopp even.

I NEED the real Sniper Island, Sogeking the Joyboy of Snipers and Clown Island and tribe too.
Some of the things are not stated but left for us readers to figure out. I don't necessarily think everything needs to be spelled out.
But if it’s spelled outright for one; like big mom; I’m sure oda would say it for the other.

Especially when we got the entire arc luffy saying he needs to break through his scales.
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