Portrayal made it clear that law and kid>bum ass YC1 Zoro so Ope ope no mi and COA>>>>>>>mere ACOC

The only think that portray thems tronger then Zoro is top 3 Supernova because Yes Luffy Kid Law are always shown as the top 3 supernova .
FOr acoc and awakening .
For me those 2 power match depending of the fruits or the acoc strenght .
FOr exemple Yamato Acoc can't break the sky so I rate it lower then Kid and law awakening .
Acoc is also used a lot with weapons .
FOr exemple Luffy with a normal punch coated in acoc do way less damage then zoro with his swords coat in acoc .
But luffy gear 4 +a coc or
Awakening + Acoc is an other story .
FOr Kid and Law safe to say they rival luffy gear 4 acoc (at least in therm of dps) with their awakening but not nika luffu + Acoc .
Zoro also rival luffy gear 4 in therm of DPS .
But not in other stats like speed etc.