Did Sanji break his leg this chapter?

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Exoskeleton is supposed to upgrade his overall stats. Basic kick from current exo Sanji > basic kick from pre exo Sanji.
But how can current exo Sanji, who already defeated Queen, kicks Seraphim with fire kick and did 0 damage? Is Queen's durability really that shit compared to Lunarian, or is it Lunarian that is just too overpowered?
Things is that Sanji was not fully hurting queen until after a few hits and then it took his blue flame , COA attacks to really finish him off.
Him doing a no name DJ kick should not do a good amount of damage vs a warlord PX .
Spoiler provider really protected Sanji fans a big time this week.
They didn't mention how he coated his kick with fire, so everyone assumed it was just a basic simple kick. Never thought his AP is as bad as this even after Exoskeleton power up.
That’s DJ is Fodder control bruh, especially if it’s not named, If it ain’t Hell Memories or Ifrit Jambe Sanji ain’t really tryin.
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