Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1070 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the mysterious woman?

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⚓𝒫𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑒𝓃𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓊⚓
why are people complaining about this fighting style, I genuinely love it. It is so unpredictable, oda can do new things outside luffys regular attack(fighting) patterns.
This might actually be luffys best gear, who expected oda to think of this attack?
Its seriously so entertaining and unique, its god damn awesome. I simply cannot understand how so many edgelords became fans of fucking One Piece, its like the antithesis
Hard to take the fight seriously.
its no different than how luffy always fought
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Its seriously so entertaining and unique, its god damn awesome. I simply cannot understand how so many edgelords became fans of fucking One Piece, its like the antithesis

they're so mad this didnt happen lol.
There was a movie I saw about animals, respecting their space/rules, and not overstepping boundies. One of the characters witnessed a tv show ape kill everyone. The ape was an animal actor that got tired of acting and decided to murder its human co-workers. A single surviving child actor boy named "Q" took this experience with him well into adulthood.

Eventually "Q" found a strange creature later in life as an adult and could appease it by offering it horses for feed. He made quite a living showing people this odd creature that never attacked. "Q" thought he could control the wild animal by feeding it, but ultimately it was un-predictable and still very wild. One day during a showcase of the creature, it attacked "Q" and the people who paid to see it.

A flash back shows "Q" as a child. It showed that "Q" never looked the murderous ape in the eyes as a child. He was submissive and quiet. The other adult actors were loud, showed their teeth, and looked the ape in the eyes which prompted an attack.

From my point of view, I see myself as Q not fully grasping how involved I'm in on one piece manga. What do I say or do that really is detached from the creation of the manga? There are 1000s of people who influence the manga. How far am I away from them? Parrallel, I also see oda as Q but the adult side thinking he can control the creature by appeasing it even if it is wild and unpredictable. The internet is the creature and it is an unpredictable wild monster that make no promises not to bite your face off.

Anyways, the chapter is mid. I'm bored and done until tuesday.
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