Which character is stronger ?

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2. His f
1. okay

2. king’s fire was off his back meaning his dirsbility was off. Plain and simple. Oda told us thats how his durability works and made sure to show us that at the end. Argue with Oda why he made King stupid

3. None of this matters. Luffy has all of Zoro’s powers and is much stronger with all of those powers and Luffy says Advcoa cant damage kaido so by default, weaker advcoa like Zoro’s cant
Kings can only utilize flame abilities when his flame is on. King can only imcrease his durability when his flame is on. Which means He literally utilizes and has his flame on when zoro cuts him with king of hell.
Damn this is a pretty crazy revelation about awakening. If Kaku awakened in only two years of having his fruit, that completely shatters the timetable we thought Awakening required. It took Luffy and Law over a decade to Awaken, but I guess the explanation for this is that Luffy didn’t know what awakening was and simply awakened by sheer accident.

Kaku on the other hand should possess high level knowledge of Devil Fruit power via his status as a high ranking government agent, they probably specifically train their top fighters to awaken which explains how he unlocked it so quickly.

Man, Kaku really is a prodigy lol. He was only 22 pre timeskip and became an awakened CP-0 agent at 24 lol, the man is a comparable genius to Lucci.
Even if u know about awakening kaido still couldnt do it


World's Strongest Swordsman
Well Zoro did not cut anything stronger than Kaido, the feat remains… thats how you power scale… The harder feat > the weaker feat
King without his flame took negligible damage from an acoc attack to the face

Kaido was scarred by accidental not proper acoc if at all at best

Even without his flame his defence better
Maybe with his devil fruit, which is the point you can argue. Doesn't make him stronger or even equal to Lucci. Lucci was MILES ahead, and still is. They both had the same powerup. Just because Kaku did it in less time, doesn't make him equal. Lucci was always the prodigy because of his fighting skills, not his df. Get out of Zoro's ass.
Lost case they want wank zoro with all they have and this is only what they get .

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Even if u know about awakening kaido still couldnt do it
Well, Kaido is not a genius or a prodigy, he is a big dumb idiot who would’ve been killed decades ago were it not for his invulnerable body. For geniuses with actual fighting ability like Kaku, you can achieve Awakening in two years when a giant retard like Kaido couldn’t in decades.
Damn this is a pretty crazy revelation about awakening. If Kaku awakened in only two years of having his fruit, that completely shatters the timetable we thought Awakening required. It took Luffy and Law over a decade to Awaken, but I guess the explanation for this is that Luffy didn’t know what awakening was and simply awakened by sheer accident.

Kaku on the other hand should possess high level knowledge of Devil Fruit power via his status as a high ranking government agent, they probably specifically train their top fighters to awaken which explains how he unlocked it so quickly.

Man, Kaku really is a prodigy lol. He was only 22 pre timeskip and became an awakened CP-0 agent at 24 lol, the man is a comparable genius to Lucci.
Government training is just next level. I think it really does make sense to say that Issho and Aramaki are below C3 simply because they didn't get the full training those three received from Garp and Sengoku.
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