Which character is stronger ?

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Man, Oda's use of foreshadowing being hundreds of chapters before is unreal. How does he have the patience.

I also often wondered if it's just coincidence sometimes. Over the course of the past years, people found so many foreshadowings in interviews / SBS / cover stories and cover reader requests and even in the non canon Movies, that I couldn't even stop counting anymore. The funny thing is some of them sound good not like BS out of thin air stuff. There was one particular "foreshadowing" one that is still so surreal to me to this date, but it makes sense somehow at the same time you think, Nah that's copium it can't be on purpose.

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I also often wondered if it's just coincidence sometimes. Over the course of the past years, people found so many foreshadowings in interviews / SBS / cover stories and cover reader requests and even in the non canon Movies, that I couldn't even stop counting anymore. The funny thing is some of them sound good not like BS out of thin air stuff. There was one particular "foreshadowing" one that is still so surreal to me to this date, but it makes sense somehow at the same time you think, Nah that's copium it can't be on purpose.

Ooh which one is that? And is there a compiled list of all of them found? I'd like to read it if so.
You could call that self depreciating humor. I'm one of the Zoro fan and Everything turn useless once it has anything to do with Zoro and hence Zoro downplay. And we still hype him. I really didn't meant to insult.
Ok, fine then. Actually I am a Zoro fan too, it is just that at this point I consider this manga dead and also, take this as a non requested advice you can throw in the bin this moment, don't get too involved to the point you up your boy no matter what, if you think he is weaker than somebody then so be it if you think he is stronger so be it but judge with logic and not "your hearth" otherwise you will find yourself spitting and taking poison from opposite sides all the time thus ruining your enjoyment for this manga.

Also how are we supposed to consider One piece after Oda simply forget all the possibles side plots Zoro had in Wano? Shushui was given away like nothing and then there was no visit to the grave of Ryuma or serious talk about Ryuma at all? If not there where? Black blades? Nothing. Smith of sandais? Nothing was explained. Sure Zoro took a combo yonko attack and beat a YC1, he ate very good in that department (maybe even too much, I didn't like the "magic medicine" bullshit which brought him up to 100% just because he had to take out King, tanking the hakai was already above it) but development in other areas was simply forgotten.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Rest in Peace and Shine in Light
hey guys did you know that in terms of human and pokemon companionship vaporeon is the most compatible for humans not only are they similar to dogs which are also mammals vaporeon are an average of three feet and three inches tall and 63.9 pounds this means they're large enough to be able to suffocate an intruder by sitting on them and with their impressive base stats for hp and access to acid armor they can win boxing match money for you by tiring their opponent out due to their mostly water-based biology there's no doubt in my mind that a determined vaporeon would be able to use hydro pump on a slip'n slider creating fun for the whole family the slip'n slide would be so wet that you could easily go down one for hours without getting bruised they can also learn the moves attract, baby doll eyes, captivate, charm and tail whip along with not having fur you'll have to clean up so they're easy to love and easy to take care of with their abilities water absord and hydration they can clean up bathtub leaks with ease no other pokemon comes close to this level of compatibility also fun fact if you're just in a silly goofy mood you can make your vaporeon turn white with mayonnaise because it sure loves to eat turkey mayo subs vaporeon is literally built for human friendship ungodly defence stat plus higher age people plus acid armor means your kids won't accidentally hurt it in fact can handle kids of all ages and will still have energy to play with them
Ya'll were talking about fucking Pokemon and you didn't tag me?
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