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@The White Crane @EmperorKinyagi @MarineHQ where does Weevil rank vs current Kid, Luffy, and Law?
Troll answer:
Way above them since he's Prime Whitebeard level.

Serious answer:
I personally think Weevil is probably at the top of the high-tier range like King or Marco. So a good bit below the three that you mentioned.

This feat isn't really crazier than taking out King and Queen imo, but it does further legitimize that encounter (hopefully the invisible seastone argument is permanently dead now) and all of Ryokugyu's higher-end showings.
People are obviously going to call him fodder now but before this chap most folks even those that trash would've said he's low Top Tier.

I'm saying he's either an Inbetweener at worst or low Top Tier.

You don't get compared to Young Prime WB and are YC1 level lmao.
If he was "Low Top Tier" GB would back off. Rayleigh made a Yonko back off. GB ain't on BB level.
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