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On your headcanon level. BB backed off because he's a bitch. Kizaru didn't even faze when a younger Rayleigh spawned in front of his face and continued to spar him like it was an everyday thing.
Vista made Mihawk back off, let alone a Low Top Tier. If he was Low Top Tier, it would be a very high diff battle and would last a long time, with massive environmental damage.

Dressrosa was destroyed just to beat Doffy, let alone an Admiral.
People are obviously going to call him fodder now but before this chap most folks even those that trash him would've said he's low Top Tier.

I'm saying he's either an Inbetweener at worst or low Top Tier.

You don't get compared to young WB and are YC1 level lmao.
I wont give him anything over YC1 for doing jackshit tho, YC1 is enough for Weevil with benefit of the doubts. He never did anything, never found out anything about his power, haki anything like that all we know is Kizaru valued his physical strength that's it. But there's benefit of the doubt and then there's putting him on Law/Kid tier which is baseless.
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