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Why are they fucked? They are a Yonko crew. You think that old dude is some secret top tier?
Why not? Gorosei being top-tier themselves won’t be surprising at all. The fact that he came here personally too (against a yonko) with just 1 admiral could mean that he knows he can handle himself. This is not a diss on admirals, the WG should logically send in the entire marines if the possibility of a Gorosei getting hurt exists.
You can hype Gorosei AND Admirals at the same time.

Not sure why people think one invalidates the other.
I’m saying I doubt oda is going to make Kizaru fight a subordinate and not luffy.

Both can be hype, but I think it’ll be a subtle hype for example during luffy vs Kizaru luffy catches and redirects Kizarus laser towards the gorosei and he dodges it easily
When Aramaki transforms in the anime he’s gonna have a demonic roar and all the scabbards will get knocked back by a shockwave with lightning effects. It’s guaranteed.
That just means the extra effects on that shanks wifi haki blast is gonna be even worse

(lmao imagine awkwardly being forced to promote film mid 2 years later after its release)
So people really think that the Saturn,the old version of Fidel Castro,will fight? I dont think he will fight at all. He is coming to control the Seraphims and talk with Vegapunk about new lore stuff. So its still Luffy vs Kizaru.
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