Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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I really dont understand how ppl say this. Kidd started off the fight vs big mom solo before law came, had her focus the entire fight, had multiple 1v1 clashes with big mom(law had none), tanked the majority of the attacks and got the killing blow
Yeah a solo fight we didn’t even see.

What multiple 1v1 clashes? You mean sneak attacking her while being focused on killing the SHs? Might as well say Franky had a 1v1 with her as well. Their solo fight didn’t even have any impact until Law came into the fray, and even then we still saw none of it except BM ragging on Kidd with Ikkoku.

A killing blow? No the nukes got the killing blow. Kidd definitely sent her down that hole no doubt but that was part of a team effort where Law basically put in >50% of the setup.

Look I don’t even hate Kidd. I want him to get the proper respect that he deserves like Luffy and Law. But even I can tell Kidd’s VA fucked Oda’s wife.
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