Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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katakuri 123 hits against luffy, calm down buddy
he aint hurting marco, he is going to tire himself out
Marco got exhausted by bullets and stabs from fodders , fodder beams from Queen and King
He can onky last 3hrd max while katakuri can use fs and awakening for 10+ hours even while hurt

You do realise his powers counters Marco's fruit hard? He can easily restrain him and Bury him
He won't even dodge katakuri
Marco got exhausted by bullets and stabs from fodders , fodder beams from Queen and King
He can onky last 3hrd max while katakuri can use fs and awakening for 10+ hours even while hurt

You do realise his powers counters Marco's fruit hard? He can easily restrain him and Bury him
He won't even dodge katakuri
talk to me when katakuri fights 3 admirals, 2 yonkos, 2 commanders
i will wait
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