Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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makes sense
from the wiki:
Yeah I am pretty familiar with the norse mythology. You can call me knowledgeble as well.

Even though Shanks Lost his arm to a Sea Monster, which can resamble Jörmugandr somehow. Now, Tyr lost his arm to Fenrir but well, Jörmugandr Is Fenrir's older brother, so why not.
Luffy and Lucci vs Seraphim is a overkill. If they struggle against a kid seraphim idk what Oda is thinking. Random CP agents capturing VegaPunk is kind of surprising. Finally we got a glimpse of Elbaf! Can’t wait until SHs are there
Who wants to bet Oda is just going to make S-Hawk drop the Mihawk sword and just start using his hands and swords like how Mr.1 did because Oda gave him a df that’s only useful if you don’t actually have a sword on you
BB vs Law
Shank Vs Kidd
CG vs Luffy.

Joyboy makes people laugh but wtf is funnier than a clown?
Law calculating and smart but BB is on a whole other level.
Kidd has one arm but who wore the one arm look better?

These boys about to be tested. World Strongest Sword vs Lolo, Man who entire life works in the shadow vs sanji who also work in the shadow sometimes, Buggy luck vs luffy plot armor. We will see some shit soon
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