Wano has pushed Oda into the Land of stupidity. So for the last 20 years, Oda has built up SHP from nothing, made them train hard, learn from their adventures, fight for their lives, gain powerups, they rose up the ranks, beat strong fighters and now are a Yonko crew and still he writes them being clowned and struggling against Robots with scientific enhancements that are far away from their full potential?!

Would he draw the Beast Pirates or the RHP or even Rocks\Roger Pirates being clowned like this?
How haven't Kizaru and Saturn reached Egg head yet and how can you write two back to back arcs with this traitor bullshit? When will the SHP finally be a threat?
How will this crew, getting clowned by Seraphims, reach laughtale, find One Piece, beat Imu and the Gorosei, liberate everyone? This is getting sad. Now, I understand the frustration of many who have vented out on Oda's childish writing. How much will he put ShP into disadvantage every time? He'd probably make it seem like they'll die even if they were fighting against insects.

You guys think Wano was a clusterfuck? Egghead arc is becoming more and more Dickhead arc every chapter. We got Vegapank, SSG\Seraphims reveal and hype that Kizaru and Saturn are coming in like 20 chapters. This is painfully slow especially the last 4-5 chapters.
Fuck this shit man.