Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Law's doing fine? I think we need to see the conclusion first..... Also Queen is not the quality of a YC1. He doesn't have a hax specialty like YC1 do....... A good combination with King would be Katakuri, Kat could tell King when to turn his flames on and off , Kat's also awakened so his abilities could actually help stall a lot better than Queen could. And don't even get me started with a Marco & Katakuri duo.
Queen part doesn’t matter, GB didn’t even bother differentiating commanders. He implied that he’s untouchable by both of them, we don’t even see a scratch from him. And Shanks scared off that same dude with pure haki, Kid losing to a named move from Shanks is not even comparable to King with help (from another 1.3 bill dude) getting negged by someone weaker than Shanks.

Thats all they’re capable of after wano oda took a fat shit on them now they’re scared oda gonna make mihawk a fraud like he did with
zolo in his “own arc”
You are gonna hide when Zoro pulls ADVCOC again. It can't be helped when Zoros attacks look clean as fuck. While Lanji is a Machine with lame kicks, & goffys fights look goffy. It must hurt you Zoro looks so cool when he fights.
In order for mihawk to even reach shanks hype he’ll have to
low diff an admiral with haki only
One shot a 3b pirate
Until then everything else he does is below
admiral lvl
You are gonna hide when Zoro pulls ADVCOC again. It can't be helped when Zoros attacks look clean as fuck. While Lanji is a Machine with lame kicks, & goffys fights look goffy. It must hurt you Zoro looks so cool when he fights.
Wtf does advance coqs has to do with anything
Luffy haki shanks haki >zolo hawk

and again idc about sanji
Queen part doesn’t matter, GB didn’t even bother differentiating commanders. He implied that he’s untouchable by both of them, we don’t even see a scratch from him. And Shanks scared off that same dude with pure haki, Kid losing to a named move from Shanks is not even comparable to King with help (from another 1.3 bill dude) getting negged by someone weaker than Shanks.
How? Lol
King was not even 10% of his full strength

Kidd was fresh
I still don't see how Kid getting destroyed by Shanks came as a surprise for many.

There was nothing to gain for Shanks here, and everything to lose. He had an admiral sweating, the same one who just shitstomped two commanders.

Meanwhile, we had just seen Kid and Law combine to just barely come out with a win over Linlin, who Kaido had not given nearly as much respect as Shanks. It was obvious that Shanks > Linlin from the beginning.

If he had struggled with Kid, it would have been a very bad look. Oda did not show Kid as a well-rounded, competent fighter in Wano.
In this chapter, I am more excited at the appearance of BBP on Egghead than any other development. Shanks beating Kidd was expected. The only maybe important thing in that is how difficult was the fight.
I still don't see how Kid getting destroyed by Shanks came as a surprise for many.

There was nothing to gain for Shanks here, and everything to lose. He had an admiral sweating, the same one who just shitstomped two commanders.

Meanwhile, we had just seen Kid and Law combine to just barely come out with a win over Linlin, who Kaido had not given nearly as much respect as Shanks. It was obvious that Shanks > Linlin from the beginning.

If he had struggled with Kid, it would have been a very bad look. Oda did not show Kid as a well-rounded, competent fighter in Wano.
How did he not giver he respect when he formed an equal alliance with her to conquer the world together and even was upset after she lost
They got a week to recover lol, and was still offscreened. They lost to the same move Raizo got packed with. They just don’t matter to top-tiers to even get a panel struggling.
And how do you know week was enough for king to be anything more than 2%

Zoro nearly killed king.
He would not recover from it for his life.

King is still stronger than Law and Kidd
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