El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Probably thought that his job is more important than being held hostage by a Yonko commander I guess.
Kizaru acts a fool over that Admiral paycheck, when Rayleigh and Kuma stopped him from kidnapping the Straw Hats in Sabaody he actually threw a fit and captured 500 pirates.
as much as he acts like a fool
he was actually pissed Rayleigh made him fail his objective
which now doesnt look so bad cause he sort of made bb fail his too.
:gokulaugh:Mihawk fans still waiting for new feats

We've seen Mihawk many times since wano ended
Oda is still not giving him combat hype/feats

While Garp , Ray and Shanks got hype and feats straight at their reintroduction

Garp and Shanks are linked to Luffy, even Rayleigh
That's why they will always get top tier feats while Mihawk will keep having MF YC level feats with empty bounty hype
Blackbeard has now three open fronte:
-Sphinx Island (I suppose): Teach will defeat Law, leading ti his imprisonment or his death, in an effort ti gain a powerful ability
-Egghead Island: Aokiji will probably be there with Lafitte and Catarina and the former admiral will be put in another crossroad, to avoid a new Ohara or to be again a passive spectator. At the same tine, what are BB's goals in Egghead? Probably weapons, but more importantly INFORMATIONS
-Hachinosu: with only four captains, against a SWORD squad, Garp, Koby, probably Moria and other prisoners, I can't see anything if a big LOSS for the Blackbeard Pirates here.

You see, there are two pirates in this manga with the Power of Armplot Armplot No Mi, the two D., Teach and Luffy. Teach really had fate on his side since day one, but you can't always win, even Mugiwara sufferes some defeats and now is time for them to lose some battles. The only way to hold on is the arrival of Teach or other powerful allies, cause that's their headquarter. But damn, you can't beat SWORD, Garp and Moria with only four guys
:gokulaugh:Mihawk fans still waiting for new feats

We've seen Mihawk many times since wano ended
Oda is still not giving him combat hype/feats

While Garp , Ray and Shanks got hype and feats straight at their reintroduction

Garp and Shanks are linked to Luffy, even Rayleigh
That's why they will always get top tier feats while Mihawk will keep having MF YC level feats with empty bounty hype
You're gonna look quite retarded if we find out Mihawk beat Fujitora or Aramaki.
:gokulaugh:Mihawk fans still waiting for new feats

We've seen Mihawk many times since wano ended
Oda is still not giving him combat hype/feats

While Garp , Ray and Shanks got hype and feats straight at their reintroduction

Garp and Shanks are linked to Luffy, even Rayleigh
That's why they will always get top tier feats while Mihawk will keep having MF YC level feats with empty bounty hype
You're gonna cry so bad when we get to cross guild next chap
:milaugh:Oda could have made Mihawk flex on Navy fleet but nope

Look at how Garp and Shanks get to flex...these are real top tiers
Not frauds

Instead he made Mihawk and Crocodile beat Buggy 2v1 offscreen lol
:gokulaugh:Mihawk fans still waiting for new feats

We've seen Mihawk many times since wano ended
Oda is still not giving him combat hype/feats

While Garp , Ray and Shanks got hype and feats straight at their reintroduction

Garp and Shanks are linked to Luffy, even Rayleigh
That's why they will always get top tier feats while Mihawk will keep having MF YC level feats with empty bounty hype
Rayleigh parallels zoro
What are you on lol
Well thats the first impressive Garp feat ever.. Seems like it's AdCoC too..

Now i rise him from YC3 to Admiral level or Between YC1 and Admiral.. ls that alright with everyone?
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