El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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don't get me wrong i love me some kat and i do think he has the potential to get adv coc, but are you really saying this man using adv coc loss to a luffy that wasn't even aware of ryou he would have to be the must unreliable yc1 in the story.
Losing against Luffy doesn't count, just like Crocodile's defeat, knowing how much Luffy benefits from plot armor and shonen accelerated power growth.
That's for his sense of revenge. Moriah also wanted revenge against Kaido. Chinjao passed his legacy to Sai.
Moriah was at paradise... not the same. He got fat, his title was taken since he was weak. He started an army of dead so he will never lose a nakama.

Chinjao was active, stronger than Sai, never lost his haki which is related to his ambitions. Chinjao lost, but will power never vanished. Look at Luffy or Kidd, they were defeated but their ambitions werent broken.
And what did Chinjao did? Yeah, not use a named attack too. Both tried their best, dont be dumb.
Garp want to beat Don in his best forte, physical and CoA, if he would use adv CoC like this chapter, he wouldn´t touch his head as he did in his clash with Don bro:

Adv CoC>not touching, he literally clash with him, adv CoC was not used here, so Garp legit didn´t used his full power.
Also Garp could choose a other body part to hit, but he hit on purpose his head, it was a challenge for Garp and in the end he won it.
He never go all out against Don.
So Its Basically Helmeppo, Tashigi, coby, Bogard, Perona, Moria, Hibari, Prince, Another Sword member and Garp vs shiryu, devon, pizaro and wolf. So 10 Vs 4. Beside Garp Vs Shiryu each blackbeard pirate will fight 2 or 3 opponent simultanuously.
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