El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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I mean Pica destroyed a town hitting it with a town sized fist. Garp swinging his normal sized fist from distance to do the same is much more massive. That fist of Garp connecting with someone's skull will be way worse than Pica's punch.
Remarkable similar scenario to Zoro cutting Pica point blank while Mihawk slashing air and busting Iceberg ain't it?

@Celestial D. Dragon
So gap between Mihawk and Garp is same as Pica and Zoro
The sengoku wank is hilarious.
‘Before Roger wank sengoku , everyone and those mother make fun of sengoku as weakest admirall due poor feats MF war. Man went full zoan transformation punch on luffy and fail to kill luffy.

Akainu kill Ace who is 50 stronger than luffy .
‘’The same garp get held down by sengoku but only to watch .

But fanbase say old garp > Akainu is most retarded tale ever .
‘No 70 years old guy would beat prime ray Lewis in fight

Admirals are strongest marine force. Garp is marine to end of his life

‘’And one piece talk about new generation , yet fanbase think old garp > any admiral .

Formerly Seth

He would have retired and been treated as a criminal but Kong literally doesn't let him because losing the Hero of the Marines would be too bad and forces him to stay on training the next generation like Koby.
SWORD explanation is even crazier than refusing Admiral role to no serve CDs.

Oda's explanation:

SWORD = Marines who resigned but actually not and they form a unit that can attack Yonko without any politics involved and we will just claim it's not us.

Don't pretend like you're here to defend Garp. You're making retarded claims trying to push your headcanon narrative of bringing up durability feats and the other Navy fans respond to your comments with durability feats of the Admirals, in what way are they clowning him?
I am here to defend Garp.
Y'all are on his case for some reason, Idk why you can't just except he's that strong.
Anyone with an unbiased mind would have seen this coming.. He socked Marco and knocked him out of Zoan Form, and matched Roger in his prime.
If Sword members have resigned from the Marines and the Marines can’t control them why are Sword doing missions for the Marines
Either redon translated it wrongly or Kuzan is feeding BB lies
Koby’s dream is literally to become an admiral of the Navy lol. He had a whole ass speech about it during W7
I get that Oda writing can be ass but come on.
Dude Pica did that literally in Dressrosa
Do you wanna see a panel?
Pica is huge dude the reason he cause so much destruction is because of his size when he punch. Garp do as much without any contact when pica needed contact.
This is not even the same planet in therm of feats.
Same stuff for ezabello dude need 1 hour to charge and so far before garp ezabello punch was the most impressive punch in one piece history with baruang gun tha tluffy used witha giant fist .
YEs ezabello punch even harder then kaido .
Clown I just proved that Shanks that you talking about is WEAKER than current zoro who isn't close to fighting mihawk. Zoro won't fight mihawk until he's stronger than current shanks loser
Little buddy, current mihawk in his prime. The 31 year old mihawk that fought 27 year old rookie shanks, was also in his prime. They were equals.

If current zoro is stronger than rookie shanks, then he must be stronger than current mihawk. Is that what you're saying?
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