Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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I know for sure Old Garp isn't faster than g2 luffy even
Old Garp isn't strong as current G4, he can't even KO all fodders wirh his named adcoc move. Couldn't break the whole town or square.

Old Garp loses to base Kaido extreme diff
Based on what isn't Old Garp faster ?
Where's your proof ?

Here Kaido confirms that Adv CoC Base Luffy > Big mom.

Old Garp's Galaxy impact shits on any attack Meme ever showed. Again, based on what can Meme and Kaido beat him?
"Yea I read the part in which it's clearly stated that he didn't try and I can confidently say he try" I am not surprised you ve been pushing dumb agenda since the raw came out:endthis:
What dumb agenda? It's clear Kuzan tried. It's also pretty silly to say Garp is stronger than Luffy when Garp only KO'd fodder with his galaxy impact.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Kuzan when he was a marine was stronger than any one above him in the chain of command, Oda clearly drew Blackbeard scared of aokiji also:endthis:
kuzan accepted Bb's proposal to be his underling with no condition attached.

It seems kuzan knew deep inside he is no match for the great one and decided to follow BB obediently :endthis:
People talk about the difference in Kid and Law's yonko fights, but the real difference in portrayal is between Shanks and Teach.

The thing about Kid and Law is that unlike say, Zoro and Sanji, the two literally have the exact same skillset. They both have strong DFs with DF awakening. Its just that Law's DF is stronger and Oda tends to favor him more because popularity. Which is why the whole Law being wildly stronger than Kid agenda never made sense.

But this absolutely isn't the case for Shanks and Teach. Shanks objectively has the better fighting style, Roger's swordsmanship with advanced haki. Teach has shown zero advanced haki skills. Meanwhile Shanks has shown all of them: future sight, ACoC, and internal destruction CoA.

Ultimately, I think portrayal sets up Shanks to be Luffy's final obstacle to PK more so than Teach for the aforementioned reasons. We even had that panel in PH where Luffy said he wants to beat Shanks, but doesn't want to fight him first, which lends itself to this idea. My guess is that Elbaf will be Luffy vs Blackbeard and Lodestar will be a Davy Back Fight between the SHs and the RHP, which will ultimately culminate with Luffy 1v1ing Shanks, allowing him to keep the straw hat.
BB will most likely have some Advance haki , Oda just saving stuff like he usually does .
BB has be around for near 750 plus chapters and Oda only have him doing 1 move with his darkness DF .
He even off screen this fight not to show to much .
In terms of portrayal BB more like luffy than any other pirate so it going to be interesting to see what happens now that shanks join the race.
BB will most likely have some Advance haki , Oda just saving stuff like he usually does .
BB has be around for near 750 plus chapters and Oda only have him doing 1 move with his darkness DF .
He even off screen this fight not to show to much .
In terms of portrayal BB more like luffy than any other pirate so it going to be interesting to see what happens now that shanks join the race.
He did 2 move and one is probably his ultimate move:endthis:
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