Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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So I guess Law and Kidd really didn't deserve 3 billion. I mean I know losing to Blackbeard is nothing to be ashamed of and Law did pretty good too. But 3 billion is literally yonko level bounty and they clearly didn't deserve it. I mean they didn't have the fleet, Army, allies or territories to have that large bounty. The only thing that could give them 3 billion is their strength which is not really there yet.

I mean their bounty was literally just 500 million below Mihawk. The same as one of the current emperors of the sea. And a whole billion more than Blackbeard's last bounty which was 2 billion.
No, they deserved it. Luffy true bounty for everything he did up until the nd of Wano is 5 billion berry.
Akainu alone doesn't run the marines, neither did Sengoku or Kong. It's astonishing that you're willing to act so cluelessly just to give Coby some non-existing fake hype. When you call someone or a group your future, you're essentially saying they're gonna shape it by living in it. That's what Garp meant when he called Coby the future—of course, he's the Golden Child of the next generation, but to say he's the only one that represents the entire future of the Marines is nothing short of dumb.
Eos koby > Shanks
1. He didn't use curtain for thunder bague. BRB imma fact check that

2. Yes he attacked his crew lol. Yes law using his fruit made bigmom silent so misery couldn't follow instructions. Hence why Law was able to stain misery. You did all of this to answer my point. There was no attack that law had cut through only misery standing still lol
Misery didn't attack Law's crew, Misery attacked LAW

Show me Misery being confused on what to do. She's clearly going to attack Law. And we've already seen homies attack on their own.
Yes it was sengoku and before him was kong. Garp is The HERO of the marines. Not the future of the marines. While koby is the Future of the Marines that also has the title of HERO of the marines.

The set up is for koby to physical surpass garp as HERO of the marines while he also surpasses akainu in leadership as the Leader of the marines. Basically becomes the best of both worlds

If you haven't already pieced this together then you have not been reading this manga
Thank you.
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