One Piece Chapter 1082: "Let’s Go and Claim It!“

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Usopp challenging Luffy over morality and how to treat their crewmates is literally the most conqueror like and vice captain like thing anyone has ever done in the series.

Also he was RIGHT, because then the Merry actually did save them one last time because Usopp and Franky rebuilt it together. That would not have happened if he just listened to Luffy, and the entire crew would have been killed or captured at enies lobby.

This Usopp disrespect shit has to stop. He's more important than Sanji or Zoro and has done more to save the crews lives than either of them.
@Hintless_Usopp_Hater take notes
Just read the manga why are the glue eaters happy about this?

Nothing shows Mihawk is “FrAUd”.

Desperate chimps, reminds of the chapter with shading and the same toilet water drinkers we’re saying it’s a scar and moronic YouTubers we’re eating it up.
What are you talking about? Mihawk doesn't want to fight 3 emperors and their crews (he'll do all the fighting), so of course he's weak. Is there any other explanation?
Nice knowing Sengoku, then. :catsweat:

I knew none of the Admirals would be hype tooled by Mihawk because they're based on real people. But, I should have know that nothing really stops Lolda from making Sengoku to be Mihawk's hypetool. I hope we got ACoC clashes and named attacks at least before Sengoku finally go down. :catcry:

It'll be jarring, tho, if Lolda still decides to keep Mihawk hype intact by having him "only" eat the Buddha Shockwave attacks without necessarily getting thrown around (since that part is presumably kept for his final fight against Zoro). :catrude:

Do you reckon Sengoku outright dying or only getting defeated if this scenario were to be true? catded

Well, in this scenario, I presume CG wants to recruit all of ID, so after most of the ID jailers are taken care of, they still need time to move the ID criminals to CG ships. :kappa:

It is during this waiting time that Sengoku, Tsuru, Hina, and the Marines arrive to stop the whole thing. They're literally in Marineford, after all. We then got Sengoku vs Mihawk & Tsuru + Magellan vs Croc, Doffy, and Weevil. The CG eventually won all these fights and the WG attributes the win to Buggy's guidance or some sort. Akainu and Kizaru later arrive to ID to see ID demolished and the Marines already down. :afrokappa:

Then, like I said, Croc, Mihawk, and Doffy got a billion increase each, whereas we got Doffy and Weevil real bounties. Doffy then tell them a CD secret that could propel CG to new heights in the race for One Piece. :sadgrin:
Mihawk ain’t putting down someone like Sengoku, he’s just not that guy
And Mihawk hypetooling admirals, characters who are at least as strong as him, is kinda counterproductive 💀