Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1083 Spoilers Discussion

Which Holy knight is your fav ?

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Holy knight might be real deal i am interested if everyone are crazy powerful just like Shanks.

Then oda will have to make Admiral relevant now. Like Gorosei they are just good face of govt they are not the true power .
Still civilians are weak af and the impact of any long range attack could redirect to the city harming the civilians. It was a rethorical example, your small brain cant even realize that? I was implying that attackers never hold back just cause they may harm some randoms. Also every King has his bodyguards who could easily protect them from some colleteral impact. Clearly its about the Admirals not wanting to destroy the buidling itself (was already implied when we first saw Greenbull) and not about anything else. The Revos couldnt care less destroying the building.
Rhetorical* first learn to write the word before you talk about my brain, illiterate cuck.
i just remember reading that interview when it came out and going "what the fuck are these guys talking about? ive never heard of shanks being two people in my life, hes not blackbeard. that doesn't make any sense. does the japanese fanbase really talk about this?"

and then this happens. maybe. vegapank might still be pranking everyone lol
Itd say its probably legit because Pew isnt contesting the info at least (he's even making his own theories on twitter) and these guys clearly have scans.

Imo, if the image is real, then its just Shanks to keep things simple

Gorosei Informer

Lucci can't keep up with Karoo's speed.
Carue-sama Top 1! A fucking duck is fucking faster than a fucking leopard and a fucking Soru user! FFS ODA LMAO! Yes Im swearing a lot but thats just how ridiclous this is!

The resin will come back, IMO.

The bubbles that are use in Sabaody and Fishman Island are made from a special resin.

Luffy will melt his own rubber skin with his flames to make his own bubbles to fight underwater.
Thats an awesome idea man. I'd love those bubbles to return in some way. I wanted to link them to CoC coating too something LMAO! I think its due to my friends ideas of coating haki all around you like a suit of armour or making it a forcefield around you, like a dome. Like what Susan Storm of the Fantastic 4 does.

Thats hardcore but badass with that idea of him melting his own skin to make bubbles. I still dont even know why he can fucking use fire but thats Oda for you! I guess its #justSunGod things ofc!

Has Luffy been in hybrid form this whole time then? Since he could stretch anytime and was constantly rubber?

-Fujitora is preparing for a huge attack The revolutionary captains’s face was shocked and then cut to Sabo we dont see what happen
Typica Oda! Fujitora goes to do somethng truly hype and he offscreens it but we get a reaction instead LMAO!
Fool Summary and Raws will truly be something else fellas
Confirmed spoilers from @CoC: Color of Clowns just for you too:

Pot Gaigeoblin was a unique individual, to say the least. She had a particular obsession with One Piece, especially the character Carrot. She had modified her weapon to shoot carrots instead of bullets, and her robot companion, Deathtrap, had been fitted with giant carrot arms.

One day, while engaging in combat with a group of bandits, Pot Gaigeoblin's Anarchy Stacks reached an all-time high. She started screaming at the top of her lungs, "Carrot for Nakama! She is in the barrel!" The bandits were so confused that they stopped shooting and just stared at her.

Pot Gaigeoblin didn't seem to notice their confusion, and instead, she continued to scream and shoot carrots. "Carrot is the key to everything! The Straw Hats need her!" she shouted. Deathtrap added to the chaos by spitting out carrot juice all over the bandits.

Eventually, the bandits got fed up with the madness and decided to retreat. Pot Gaigeoblin was left standing in the middle of the battlefield, covered in carrot juice, laughing hysterically.

As she walked away, she muttered to herself, "I'll make sure Carrot joins the Straw Hats. One way or another." The bandits never saw her coming again, but they still tell stories about the crazy girl who fought with carrots and talked about a rabbit mink joining a pirate crew.
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