One Piece - Chapter 1083: The Truth About That Day

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What would the best part of the chapter be considered for me:

- Revs got some hype in return, Karasu had some fresh show off, nice usage of his df. Looks like he might have a superior version of Smoker's logia like it's the case with some of the powers
- Would have wished to see more of Morley, I like the idea of using the ground/underground terrain to his advantage against Ryokugyu's powers, Oda could have been more clever there.
- Holy knights seem like another elite group in the coming. Tho I don't think they will have more than 2 top tiers max, the two in the front probably, 9 would be way too fucking much, but then again the world of OP is vast.
- And Dragon says their real battle begins once these knights get mobilized which means he takes them serious. I wonder how they are scattered, across the red line? They reside in Pangea castle to protect solely Gorosei/Imu?

I am intrigued by this group overall as they seem like their personal elite group. Able to strip off titles and execute royalties even CD's, take on entire countries who revolts against the WG.
And his body would just heal from the damage? Yes his body would take damage, but itโ€™d heal right after.
Which is entirely dependent on what kind of damage is done. A bonk to the head with haki is easily recoverable. Cutting/destroying off a limb with haki will need prosthetics.

I donโ€™t get why you think itโ€™d leave a permanent mark when that has never been the established
Akaunu's permanent scar wounds?
Kuzan's leg??

You done being ignorant with this case?
Even the traitor arc in Egghead was resolved pretty fast.

Yeah, I love chapters that go outside the Straw Hats so much. Even if it's only a few panels of the Payback War, or Aokiji vs Akainu, GIVE US THAT SHIT, ODA!!!! It adds so much to the story to see important events outside the crew, or at least bits of them.
if instead TS 2 years we got to see the world moving for a few chapters before re-introducing the mugis, instead we have to rely on flashback or some character telling us
Dude, I'm not trying to downplay anything. It's just that I know this is the extent of what Fujitora's meteors can do to someone as strong as Dressrosa Law:

Which is doing NOTHING.
lmao everyone isn't law :milaugh::milaugh::milaugh: we know how law room works..anything it in can be moved and he does so accordingly to the meteor this doesn't mean that the revs or anyone else can handle the meteor effectively but meh not gonna convince u of anything it seems
Which is entirely dependent on what kind of damage is done. A bonk to the head with haki is easily recoverable. Cutting/destroying off a limb with haki will need prosthetics.

Akaunu's permeant scar wounds?
Kuzan's legs??

You done being ignorant with this case?
Cutting a branch off a tree does nothing but give the branch room to grow back fresher. Aramakis a forest man, cut off his arm and heโ€™ll just regrow it.

Ah yes comparing completely different abilities will get your point across especially those that have never been shown to have regenerative abilities.
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Went down the drain in film red tbh :ihaha:

People should have known by then.
I remember the, โ€œJabras so week even Blueno and Kalifla made it when he couldnโ€™t!โ€

And now we see Jabra in the squad and judging by oda keeping the CP9 dynamics going looks like the leader of this squad. Good old agendas

Garp the Fist

Not as eyecatching as the past couple of chapters maybe, but itโ€™s building up to some big stuff in the next few and there was good things there. Just glad Oda seems to be sticking with the Reverie for a while so we see what happens, I did think he was going to move away from it.

I like putting Marijois under siege, good tactics there, and I like the turnaround making them live in poverty.

Obviously, Godโ€™s Knights will get a lot of the speculation, especially the Shanks like figure. I donโ€™t believe for a second Shanks is one, but maybe thatโ€™s another Figarland/Fearland?

Have to say, having always been pretty ambivalent to Sabo, I like the cold pragmatism of his reaction to Cobraโ€™s death.

RA captains seem to be doing decently, which is good. Felt they unjustly got dismissed as fodder after their bounties. They are basically Dragonโ€™s crew, they should have a good level of strength.

So yeah, very much looking forward to this flashback continuing, hope Oda gives us the full story. Itโ€™ll go on next week for certain at least.
What would the best part of the chapter be considered for me:

- Revs got some hype in return, Karasu had some fresh show off, nice usage of his df. Looks like he might have a superior version of Smoker's logia like it's the case with some of the powers
- Would have wished to see more of Morley, I like the idea of using the ground/underground terrain to his advantage against Ryokugyu's powers, Oda could have been more clever there.
- Holy knights seem like another elite group in the coming. Tho I don't think they will have more than 2 top tiers max, the two in the front probably, 9 would be way too fucking much, but then again the world of OP is vast.
- And Dragon says their real battle begins once these knights get mobilized which means he takes them serious. I wonder how they are scattered, across the red line? They reside in Pangea castle to protect solely Gorosei/Imu?

I am intrigued by this group overall as they seem like their personal elite group. Able to strip off titles and execute royalties even CD's, take on entire countries who revolts against the WG.
I don't know what Oda plans ofc, but narratively it makes all the sense in the world for the God's knights to be 9 top tier fighters.

Just think about it: The marines are basically only an "ally" of the WG, a "branch" at best.

If the WG didn't have anything to defend their very core, they would be completely helpless if only one ambitious marine leader had decided to attack and overthrow the actual government over the years (installing a military leadership).

The WG has been ruling for over 800 years though.

They have to have some truly powerful fighters in their inner circle, otherwise even the marines would just say "fuck those degenerated scumbags, we overthrow them right now" at one point.

We saw how the CDs treat even an admiral - zero respect at all. And Greenbull was visibly scared/frustrated to go all out there. If he didn't have to fear any serious consequences aka someone from the WG who COULD actually punish even someone as powerful as him, a hot head like him would've just gone all out.
Cutting a branch off a tree does nothing but give the branch room to grow back fresher. Aramakis a forest man, cut off his arm and heโ€™ll just regrow it.
You literally keep skipping over every single manga panel that involved haki against Logia's and all you keep doing is repeating the same wrong things. This is major cope to the fullest or you are really good at trolling.

Ah yes comparing completely different abilities will get your point across especially those that have never been shown to have regenerative abilities.
Every Logia's literally have the ability to regenerate their bodies even on their weak point as Rayleigh said. And was demonstrated in the manga:

All you have here is cope. Not wasting anymore time with you