Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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You can't win
Even though Saturn is a fighter, it is possible that no one else knows he is a fighter with a devil fruit ability other than the rest of the Five Elders and Imu.

If that's the case, I can maybe see Saturn purposely not fighting at Egghead in order to not expose himself.
It's what I think will happen. He'd let Kizaru and co do their thing as his escort, but with Oda flexing his power by the end of Egghead(after his escort failing to apprehend the Strawhats) to hype him up for EOS
Average admirals hater : « Lol it’s truly over this time admiraLs Gorosei Imu, holy knights all stronger than them! »
Me : Papatora confirmed to have been helping the revo army accomplish their objective by helping the slaves escape. I can safely say his head bandage is completely irrelevant after having to defend him for that for almost 4 years. This chapter is a big W:pepelit:
Luffy vs Imu and the rest of the SHs(Mainly Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, Franky, and Robin) vs the Five Elders.

Zoro vs Evil Gandhi

Sanji vs The Young Blond Elder

Jinbe, Franky, and Robin vs the other three.

I'm not too sure if Nami, Chopper, and Usopp will fight them as well, if they do then I can maybe see Usopp and Chopper tag team with Franky and Nami tag team with Robin.
So my theory seems to be very plausible right now:

Lily was the owner of Plutoon. She was ambushed by Imu to give her the weapon and she denied it (because she was a D. and the group was planning to use Poseidon and Plutoon to fight back in a last hurrah) . That was her bad choice.The one that lead Imu to her was zunesha. That was his crime.
Joyboy went to save her. This made him miss the encounter with the mermaid that he regrets. At the end he escapes but instead of going to Alabasta they end up in wano. Plutoon is damaged but manages to be saved in the island and the walls and poneglyphs are built.
Zunesha was left with the mission of breaking the wall when Joyboy reappears again, he starts wandering and this creates Zou.
Joyboy dies after lefting all his treasures in One Piece, the poneglyph with the true story was saved there.
Lily was stated to be left for Alabasta, this led to the misconception that the weapon Pluton was stored in Alabasta. Croc went to Alabasta and started to dominate the nation. This led the descendant of Lily (Vivi) to ask for help and contact the guy that eat the old nika fruit.

For now it seems to make sense. Biggest questions is how they moved the stones through the world and what actually is One Piece.


Luffy vs Imu and the rest of the SHs(Mainly Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, Franky, and Robin) vs the Five Elders.

Zoro vs Evil Gandhi

Sanji vs The Young Blonde Elder

Jinbe, Franky, and Robin vs the other three.

I'm not too sure if Nami, Chopper, and Usopp will fight them as well, if they do then I can maybe see Usopp and Chopper tag team with Franky and Nami tag team with Robin.
What about the Holy Knights?
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